9. Unlucky

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The three of you stood there, unmoving.

Both Itadori and Megumi looked at each other's with wide eyes while you, on the other hand, was frozen in fear at the sight of the powerful curse staring straight into your eyes.

I-I can't move !

I-Is this the special grade ?!

I need..to do something !


A slight twitch.


Another one.

Move !

And as you were about to move your hand, Yuji yelled, getting ready to attack the curse with the weapon he was given.

Only for the curse to cut his wrist off, it's expression mocking Yuji.

Blood splattered on your face and your eyes widened while your mouth parted in shock.

Itadori's hand was..


The three of you seemed in completely terrified. Yuji stared back at his hand with wide eyes, still trying to process what just happened.

"Huh ?"

You took a step back, hands moving up to your mouth only to scream when the curse used another attack again you.

Your right eye.

You placed your hand in front your closed eye.

You could feel blood dripping down your hand and on the ground from your injured eye.

"L/n !"

"I can't escape after it's gotten this close.."

Yuji groaned in pain, wrapping the belt around his wrist, putting pressure against the missing limb.

The curse grunted, it was inhuman, uncomprehensible.

You kept your injured eye closed and pulled your hand away, cringing at the sight of it covered in blood.

Shit, I never knew it would be over this quickly..

"Hey, Sukuna ! If I die you die too, right ? If you don't want that, then help me out !"

Sukuna's eye and mouth appeared on the side of Yuji's cheek, his expression completely mocking him.

"Nope. Even if the parts of me inside you die, there are eighteen other fragments of my soul."

You frowned at his harsh words, a small hiss of pain leaving your throat at the throbbing around your eye.

How am I..going to heal that...? Am I really blind from an eye from now on..?

"Still, irritatingly enough, I don't have control of this body. If you want to switch, go ahead and switch. But once you do, I'll kill that brat before the cursed spirit can !"

His gaze turned to you and his smirk became wicked.

"Then i'll go for her. She's has Muzan's blood flowing through her veins. I'll have my fun with her."

What the hell ??

You stared at the mouth and eye on Yuji's cheek, eye wide. Confusion and fear all over your face.

Why did you have to be born with Muzan's blood flowing through your veins ? Why did you have to meet them ? Why did the king of curses had to get interested in you ?

If fighting curses was going to end up with you dying on your first real mission, you would've prefered staying locked back home, alone and homeschooled.

Yuji glared at the ground, visibly sweating.

"I'm not going to let you do that..!"

"I bet. But if you're too focused on me, your friends are gonna die."

Just as Sukuna finished his sentence, the cursed spirit breathed in, puffing his cheeks out before spitting out a pure ball of cursed energy.

The three of you bolted back, dodging the blow.

You stumbled back, completely disoriented as you felt your ears rigging from the impact of the blow, eyes wide and mouth parted before falling on your butt, hidden behind debrits.

What..was that..?

The curse twisted on itself, high pitched mocking giggles leaving it's throat as it placed it's chin in it's palms.

"Fushiguro !"

You heard Yuji call out to Fushiguro, telling him to take Kugisaki out of here. You guessed he thought you left since he couldn't see you anywhere.

Wait..i'm still..

You still felt dazed, the reality of the danger you faced right now hitting you square in the face.

"I'll keep this one busy until you two are out..please find L/N on the way if you can ! She probably left when the mist hid us from the curse !"

"As soon as you're out, give me some kind of signal ! Once you do...i'll switch with Sukuna."

You were utterly confused, though. How did the curse not sense you behind the debrits ? Were you just well hidden ? You were pretty sure it could probably smell your blood. Maybe it thought you were knocked out and didn't bother trying much to get you ?

You could hear everything from the fight, but you knew making yourself known would get you killed while making Yuji hesitate or even refuse to take Sukuna out.

If they can live..I don't mind getting stuck in all of this..

Seeing Yuji getting thrown around like a puppet almost made you cry out of horror for the poor boy.

You steathily walked around, hiding behind debrits and perhaps trying to find a good opportunity to discover an exit and let Sukuna handle the rest.

Hearing the poor boy crying out in pain, begging not to die made your heart clench, your eyes watered and you felt like you had to intervene. But what could you do against a special grade ? You aren't strong, you just learned about everything.

You had to get stronger, no matter what. You wanted to protect your classmates.

You finally heard Fushiguro's signal and mentally prepared to potentially face Sukuna.

"What a thoroughly annoying brat."

He uttered boredly, staring right at the now stunned curse before placing a hand on his chin, frustration all over his face.

"He's obviously screwing with me."

Placing a hand on the curse while it yelped, he closed his eyes.

"Hold on a moment. I'm thinking right now."

"What can I do to make that brat regret this..?"

He stared at nothing, deep in thoughts before he blinked.

"Hmm ?"

He glanced right at the debrits you were hiding behind, a wicked smirk appearing on his face as a chuckle left his throat.

He patted the curse's shoulder as it bolted back.

"Hey, let's go kill some kids. Follow me."

The cursed grunted, shakily forming a ball of pure cursed energy, swinging back to throw it at Sukuna.


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