6. Nobara

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The brown haired girl placed a hand on her hip, staring at all of you's before introducing herself.

"Kugisaki Nobara,

Be happy, boys. I'm the only woman in the group."

Yuji blinked, opening his mouth to retort but his teacher beats him to it, grinning.

"Actually, Nobara-chan, there's another girl here.."

He turned to stare at you, chewing on some pop corns behind him.


Blinking up at him, you swallowed the pop corn before looking at Nobara.

"Oh !"

You walked to her with a smile, holding your hand out for an handshake.

Nobara seemed slightly taken aback by your fangs, raising an eyebrow but the more she looked at you, the more she found you strangely..cute.

"I'm Y/N L/N."

She smiled, taking your hand in hers.

"Nice meeting you, L/n-chan, at least we can back each others up against those nasty boys."

She proceeded to stare intensely at the boys before tugging you close to her, whispering in your ear.

"That guy, he looks like a potato. He's definitely the type that ate his own boogers as a kid."

You placed a hand in front of your mouth and your other arm across your stomach as you tried to muffle your laughter, body trembling as slight noises escaped your throat.

Shit ! You can't unsee it now !

She glanced to Megumi before again, whispering in your ear.

"And only a name here ? I can't stand high-and-mighty dudes. I bet he likes setting oil-slicked gulls on fire."

"W-why are you-"

You got cut off by your own laughter, making the three boys tilt their heads in confusion.

"Kugisaki-chan, why're so strangely accurate ?!"

She shrugged before sighing loudly.

"I always get stuck with unfortunate circumstances."

Yuji looked defeated while Megumi looked to the side.

"She took one look and sighed.."

"Are we going somewhere from here ?"

Gojo chuckled, placing his hand on top of your head as you raised an eyebrow.

Gojo-sensei's very clingy..

"We do have all four of you together, not to mention, three of you are from the countryside."

Gojo smirked, looking down at everyone.

"So of course, we're going on a tour of Tokyo !"

"Tokyo ! Tokyo ! Tokyo !"

"We love Tokyo !"

The four of you sang, jumping up and down excitedly while Megumi sweatdropped.


Jumping on Gojo's back while Itadori wrapped his arms around Gojo's neck and Nobara jumped up and down, the three of you rambled about where you wanted to go.

"TDL ! I wanna go to TDL !"

Itadori let go of Gojo while you stayed on his back, legs wrapped around his stomach and arms around his neck as you slightly shook him around.

"Wanna go ! I wanna go !"

"Idiot ! TDL's in Chiba !"

"Let's go to Chinatown, sensei !"

"Chinatown's in Yokohama !"

You watched the two argue back and forth before feeling Gojo's hands under your thighs, steadying you on his back.

"Hmm ?"

He grinned at you before looking back at the two arguing.

"I will now announce our destination."

The two of them immediately quieted down and bowed as you muffled your laughter by placing a hand in front of your mouth.

"Roppongi !"



"Gi ?!"

The two exclaimed while you smiled, patting Gojo's shoulder.

"Sensei, are we really going !?"


The five of you stood in front of an eerie building, three of you staring at it with a mix of confusion, betrayal and anger.

"There's a curse here."


"You liar !!"

They yelled at Gojo, raising their fists up with an angry expression while you punched his chest.

"Liar !"

"Ow, ow~ that hurts y'know ?"

He pouted, looking down at you.

"This isn't even Roppongi !!"

You looked back at Yuji, sweatdropping slightly.

Seems like the three of us are disappointed...

"You were toying with us country folks !"

Gojo only ignored their comments, speaking up with that same smile on his face.

"There's a big cemetery nearby,

The double whammy of that and an abandoned building brought out a curse."

Yuji, Megumi and Gojo looked up at the building while you tried to calm Nobara down.

"So they really do pop up more often around graves ?"

"The issue isn't the cemetery itself,"

Megumi spoke up, tilting his head to look at Yuji.

"It's the fact that people associate cemeteries with fear."

"Oh, it was the same for schools, too, wasn't it ?"

Nobara's eyebrows furrowed as she walked back to the trio.

"Hold up. He didn't even know that yet ?"

"To be honest..."

Nobara's eyes narrowed at Megumi's explanation.

"He swallowed a special-grade cursed object ?!"

Her face morphed into one of disgust as she quickly backed away from Yuji.

"Gross ! Unbelievable ! That's so unsanitary and disgusting !"

"No way, no way, no way, no way !!"

Yuji frowned, leaning closer to Nobara.

"What ?!"

"I agree with her."

"Honestly, me too Itadori-kun, sorry.."

Yuji seemed defeated as everyone started agreeing with Nobara, letting out a loud sigh as he shook his head.

"I want to know what all of you are capable of,

Just think of this as a field test."

"Nobara, Yuji,, you two go exorcise the curse inside that building."

"Y/n, you stay with us."


Sweatdropping at Nobara's reaction, you let out a small sigh before nodding your head.

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