10. What the hell..

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"Malevolent shrine."

You watched, crouching down from the edge of the broken bridge as the cursed spirit was cut in five.

So that's..how strong Sukuna is..

You shivered, knowing that you stood no chance against him.

Sukuna walked to the curse hand in pockets, tilting his head to the side with a bored expression.

"I was planning to cut you in three slices, but you're really weak."

"Oh, yeah, and then there's this."

He proceeded to reach in the curse's torso, pulling out one of his finger and grinning.

"I'll be taking this."

Sukuna then stared up right at you, making you flinch.

"I hope you enjoyed the show, demon~"

He grinned before reappearing close to you on the bridge.


You mumbled, eyes wide as you took a step back.

He sighed at your reaction looking bored before standing at the edge of the bridge.

"Don't make that face, i'll bring the brat back like he said."

He looked up and yelled.

"It's over, brat."


You had a bad feeling about this and you looked around worriedly.

If Yuji can't take control while you stand that close to the king of curses..what would happen to you ?!

"This sucks ! If you're gonna switch, just do it already !"

The silence and lack of response made you and Sukuna both slowly realize something.

Yuji wasn't coming back.

"What's the matter, brat ?"

Sukuna's frown turned into a dangerous grin, expression morphing into one of a sadistic man as he looked back at you.

Oh no.


"Sorry, but he's not coming back."

Sukuna answered Megumi's thoughts as he held your unconscious body by the back of your uniform.

Megumi's eyebrows furrowed and his body trembled slightly.

"Don't be so frightened."

He picked your unconscious body up, the gentleness of his hold completely contrasting his title and harsh personality. Lips curving up in a sadistic smile as he watched the blood dripping down your face and missing limb.

"I'm in a great mood right now."

He placed you down against a tree, making sure you stayed sat right against the tree hunk, he stared at you for some seconds before walking back to Megumi, his hands in his pockets.

"I've had a fun time with the girl. Let's chat for a bit."

Megumi glanced at you, his eyes widening at the sight of your mangled body. Your injured eye was closed but blood was still visibly rolling down your face.

He looked down and had to stop himself from throwing up at the sight of your missing leg, the flesh and bone exposed to the air as you limply stayed against the tree trunk.

"If you're wondering, she'll be okay. Fighting with someone who inherited Muzan's blood was fun, though.."

You opened your eyes, gasping for air as you looked around the black void of unconsciousness.

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now