Chance At Freedom

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Tuesday (Day 3)


"Wake up" a soft voice whispered softly, a warm hand being placed on he small child's cheek. The tiny girl groaned peeking her eyes open slightly only for her (e/c) eyes to be met with ruby red ones. "Good morning Bubbas" Eri spoke using a nickname she made up after she realized she had no name to call the girl. The child just hummed in answer, her eyes still full of sleep, they wanting to fall closed once more but her mind wouldn't shut off again. Eri hugged the small girl making sure to be wary of any injuries though they basically littered her body, but despite that fact the child had just leaned into her touch, enjoying the warmth the older child provided her 

Though the room door being opened ruined their rest as it slammed open, the light from the hallway illuminating the dim room as the man in the plague mask quickly made his way to the bed, forcefully yanking Eri from the smaller child. The warmth that filled her vanished the moment the older was pulled away. "E-Eri" the child frantically called the sudden action causin panic to fill her, her hands reaching up towards the older girl, clenching and unclenching her fingers signaling her want of having Eri back but Kurono refused to comply with her requests 

"22195 you can see her after dinner" Kurono had spoken coldly, his patience being tested as he had already been forced to clean up the messes of other pathetic Hassaikai members

"I- I'll see you soon Bubba" Eri sadly spoke her eyes visibly dimming in sadness as Chronostasis carried her out, the door closing as a click of a lock echoed in the quiet room. The once warm and joyful aura had vanished immediately being replaced with a sense of emptiness. The child lay back on the bed, her dull (e/c) eyes staring up at the white ceiling

How long she lay their like that she hadn't known as the next thing she knew was that the door had opened and in walked Kurono once more, a stern "C'mon 22195 Overhaul is waiting" leaving his lips the moment he entered. Complying with his demands she nodded, crawling off the bed her bare feet hitting the cold tiled floors chills being sent up her spine as she waddled over to Chonostasis. Lifting her arms above her head the man picked her up and rested the child on his hip as he walked out, making sure to shut the door behind him

The two walked towards the testing room the girl being rather obedient, fatigue from yesterday taking over her body, but nerves also filled her. Just like every other normal person she was terrified of the pain to come, but also a sense of boredom. The repetitive routine almost seemed as though it hadn't deserved her fear anymore, because no matter how scared she got she would be put through the same agonizing torture once more without fail. It was almost like she got used to it. Used to the pain and continuous cuts, used to the deathly glares, used to the white bandages that had wrapped around her legs and arms, used to the sense of forever being stuck in this horrible facility, though it wasn't a facility to her no not at all, it was a place she called home

the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household

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