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Aizawa returned to the hospital just as the sun began to set. Riding the elevator up he could feel himself grow more excited with each passing second, curious on what the girl would say about her day

As the machine dinged to signal his arrival to her floor he broke out into a walk that teetered on the brink of running. Sliding open the room door, he was instantly greeted

"AIWAWA!" the child called upon his entrance, quickly getting to her feet from where she sat on the ground. Swiftly she ran towards him, tackling the dark haired hero in a hug as he crouched down to her height

"Hey kiddo" he greeted, holding the young girl tight as he stared at the room over her shoulder, taking in the abundance of scattered books and puzzle pieces and in the middle of it all sat a leather clad blonde, a big grin on his face as he watched his friend stand, the little girl dangling in his arms

"Looks like you had fun" Aizawa teased the child, expertly avoiding scattered books as he made his way to settle her on the bed

"Mhm, Yamana read me stories, lotsa stories and now we building puzzles" 

"Puzzles" he gasped enthusiastically, watching as the child practically bounced to eagerly point at the scattered pieces

"Yeah!" she cheered, "Yamana helpering me" 

"That's nice" Aizawa hummed, hands hovering near the child's back as she clambered off the bed and next to Hizashi once more, picking up a piece of the puzzle. Turning around, the blonde looked up at his colleague, grinning. "She was good?"

"She was wonderful, my little listener is the best" Hizashi proclaimed, gently ruffling her hair before she swatted his hand away, mumbling about focusing on her task. Chuckling at the sight Aizawa nodded. "We had lots of fun didn't we" the blonde urged the girl to respond

"Uh huh" she nodded, ignoring the males, too focused on trying to shove two mismatched pieces together before Hizashi gently stopped her. "How bout here" he offered, grinning as the girl pumped her fists in triumph as the pieces clicked into place

Leaning back onto the bed Aizawa sighed, his incessant worrying had been for nothing then, but that meant everything was fine. "Soooo, you talk to Mirio?" the voice hero queried, focusing his attention on his friend

"Yeah, he's gonna come visit tomorrow afternoon" the ravenette yawned, staring up at the ceiling. "Midoriya found out and started begging for a chance to see her again too" the teacher grinned, laughing fondly at the memory 

Hizashi chuckled "He's been asking about the both of them ever since they got hospitalized" the blonde explained, thinking back to the countless times the green haired boy interrogated him after classes to see how the two children were doing. "I think he's been stressed out, poor kid just wants to know that they are okay, he got so happy when I told him that this lil listener woke up" the teacher sighed

"I wanna let him see them" Aizawa sighed "I just want to take it one step at a time" he mumbled staring at the young girl as she clipped pieces together

"Well she got comfortable around me pretty quick, and those two did save her life..." Yamada trailed off, watching as the black haired male gazed forlornly

"I know, its just" eyes lingering on the pouting child who struggled to find a matching piece. "I'm nervous I guess"

"About what" 

"I don't really know" he grumbled, Midoriya was a kind boy, he wouldn't do anything to somehow trigger the child and knew when to back off most of the time, but something kept gnawing in the back of Aizawa's brain

"Huh" Hizashi hummed, a little smirk beginning to spread on his lips "are you getting nervous that she's going to like Midoriya more than you" the blonde teased, singing out the words tauntingly as his eyes glinted in mischief 

"What, no" the male scoffed, rolling his eyes at the accusation, he wasn't jealous of his student, no way. If he was really insecure he wouldn't let Mirio see her as he's the one she called for

"You called Mirio because she wanted to see him, but if she sees both Mirio and Midoriya you're just scared she's gonna forget all about you~" The tall man teased once more, grinning sardonically 

Is that what this feeling was? Aizawa questioned "You're being ridiculous" the man sighed, choosing to ignore his friend's taunts 

"Sure, sure" 

« ʚ♡ɞ »

"Hey kid" Aizawa cooed, brushing a strand of hair from the child's face

"Hmm" the girl yawned, eyelids slowly drooping as her head laid comfortably in the man's lap. "Aiwawa what say" she asked, rolling onto her back to look up at him

"You know how I went to see Lemillion" the dark haired man asked, trying to spark her memory

"Mhm" she groaned out, staring at him, eyes threatening to fully close

"Well he wants to come see you tomorrow"


"Yeah" he nodded carefully, gently scratching her scalp. "He's gonna come after lunch, is that okay"

"Okay?" she whispered "It okay, I wanna see" she yawned, pulling up the red fabric closer to her chin, holding it like a stuffed toy. Gently nuzzling her head into his torso she reached out to clutch his shirt. "Aiwawa stay after though, right" she questioned, volume barely over a whisper

"Well, where would I go" he chuckled

"Yamana say I forget you, but I can only forget if you go way" she murmured "I never forget Aiwawa, not if Aiwawa is here" 

Staring softly at the child he grinned. "I'm never leaving you" he assured "not even when you want me to go" 

Turning to stare at the man once again, the child rose from where she lay in his lap. Standing up on the mattress she stared at Aizawa, the room was dark, only the moon lighting up the space. Outstretching her arms she leaned forwards, collapsing in his embrace, hugging around his neck

"I never want Aiwawa to go" she murmured

"I love Aiwawa" 



Since I somehow managed to add two more chapters to my stockpile today, I decided to give you guys another (short) chapter as a gift. Think of it as a present for the holidays and for all your support

As always Please drink some water and have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night

Love ya ❤️

(January 6, 2024)

Clipped Wings Of A Baby AngelWhere stories live. Discover now