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Monday (Day 2)


Trigger Warning!

Cutting of skin


Mentions of blood

The clanking of metal caused her to stir, small heavy eyelids fluttered open slowly. Her hands going up to rub her eyes only to get caught in a restraint against her wrist, a small grunt of pain left her lips catching the attention of the other in the room. Looking at his masked face caused the child to flinch, her head ramming into the headboard of the chair, a wave of pain rippling throughout the back of her skull. 

Kurono stayed still as he then turned to the door ignoring the child in pain who attempted to calm her racing heart from the scare. The metal door was pushed open and in walked Overhaul with his usual bored like eyes glancing around. He nodded slightly acknowledging the standard greeting Kurono had given him. He walked closer towards the chair, his eyes landing on the child strapped down. A flicker of excitement dancing around in his golden orbs making him that much scarier, not to mention the bloodlust that began to spill from his gaze. The (h/c) haired girl paled, no matter how many times she saw him, heard his voice, experienced his wrath she could never get used to it. The man just seemed to get more terrifying the more times she saw him. His eyes seeming to always manage to cause the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on edge, and cause goosebumps to prickle her skin

Overhaul sat down on the chair next to her just as he had the day before, the metal tray on the table already prepared beforehand by Chronostasis. A terrifying smirk danced across his lips, though only if it could be seen it would've scared the child even more. He picked up a needle on the metal tray, holding it up in the air letting the lightbulb illuminate the light blue substance. He examined it closely, before his unable to be seen grin widened, his gaze flickering back to the trembling child. "Let's get started shall we" he hummed, as Kurono quickly pressed a cotton ball to her upper arm, before Chisaki brought the needle closer the her skin. It pricked the girl's arm causing her to tense, no matter how many needles were stuck into her skin it never made it any less uncomfortable. Overhaul chuckled darkly before he pressed the needle, injecting the blue liquid inside of her

The pain shot up her arm like blazing fire. She grunted thrashing around to try and lessen the pain somehow. A throbbing sensation burned her head with a blinding white. She felt dizzy. Her ears rang. It felt like her body was being ripped apart from the inside, her organs being destroyed. She felt like letting out a bloody scream but her throat felt dry. She felt like she needed to cry but her eyes just stung, no tears coming out. No sound came from her. She continued to thrash around trying to break free, wanting to alleviate some of the pain but suddenly her body felt numb and fell limp. Her arm fell cold like all the blood had drained from it. Her vision cloudy and white. Her ears only heard a loud ringing. Just as the pain was at it's peak it dissipated relieving her. The agony faded to a dull throb not completely gone but bearable

The small child took in deep breaths, her chest rising and falling as she felt like all the air in her got knocked out of her lungs. Overhaul had taken the second needle (the needle that lessened the pain) out from her arm

The sound of pen against paper filled the room as Chronostasis scribbled down notes on the experiment. Writing down what substance was injected, and what tests they could preform because of it

Overhaul had then picked up a scalpel from the metal tray cutting open her skin, blood leaked out as the tiny girl winced at the cut which was deeper then needed. Chronostasis brought different materials to the masked man as he continued to make different slits in her body, gathering the blood

 « ʚ♡ɞ⋅» 

Overhaul had picked up the last needle, injecting it into her arm as the child grunted out in pain. Searing pain shot through her body, feeling like her arm would explode. Clouds fogging up her vision, her legs felt like they were in blistering hot oil, as her arms felt so cold they burned. Her head pounded, feeling like electricity was buzzing through her brain. Her ears could hear the buzz like sound, but also felt like her head was deep underwater, her head squealing as it felt like her brain contracted, getting ready to then explode. Pain blossomed throughout her body, unbearable hot seething pain and then


That's what she was met with, her body felt cold and numb as if all the blood left her system and refused to circulate. Like her heart stopped beating, but suddenly like a wave crashing down on her everything came back. The child let out a gasp as if she just emerged from water. Her body and soul seemed to come rushing back to her. She panted, her vision still splotchy but she made out the figure of Overhaul, his hand retracting from her head

He used his quirk

No matter how many times her 'reset' her it never felt any less cold and terrifying. "Kurono bandage her up, I'm leaving" she managed to make out Overhaul say. The sounds were muffled, as if she was listening to their conversation deep underwater

She then felt her hands and legs being let out of the restraints. The wrapping of bandages around her body before she felt herself being lifted up. White filled her vision, feeling the fabric of a lab coat against her skin. Her body rocked up and down with each step he took. Her half lidded eyes couldn't stay open anymore as she was forced to close them, letting the fatigue take over 


I know this chapter didn't progress into the storyline much its more of a filler type thing so the dates match up

Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Drink some water and have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night

Love ya and hope to see you all in the next chapter!

(Published: July 18, 2021)
(One sentence edited: September 25, 2021)

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