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Saturday (Day 7)



"NEMOTO SHOOT" Overhaul yelled throwing a case full of red quirk erasing bullets towards the man

Shakily he caught the box in his gloved hands. The black cloaked man quickly loaded his gun with one of the bullets, aiming it towards Mirio, pressure stressing him out, he couldn't miss this shot. Nemoto knew if he shot at Mirio he would just activate his quirk, but from the corner of his eye he noticed the two girls bundled up in the red cape

His eyes locked with (e/c) ones and he quickly averted his aim. The gun faced the two girls, or more accurately the smaller of the two. Eri tightly held onto the younger fear visible in their gaze as the younger clutched onto the older child's clothing. 'He won't let them get hit' The gun clacked in his fingers as he pushed down on the trigger


The sound of the firing bullet resonated throughout the room. Eri pulled the little girl close, bracing for impact

The (e/c) eyes trained on the bullet, fear filling her body at being shot, but a shadow crossed her. They were pulled close their eyes being met with a soft, warm smile that seemed to be full of love and safety

Her eyes widened as she lifted her hand, the bullet being injected to the hero's body as he collapsed in front of them. Pain spread throughout every part of his body like being shocked with electricity, he tingled with painful sensations

The child gasped she looked at him petrified. Her lips trembled and so did Eri's, they were about to break down. The smaller outstretched a small shaky hand towards him, but Overhauls voice stopped her, her hand hovering right over his back

"Your diseased quirk allows you to dream you'll become something bigger, but that way of thinking is an illness of the mind" he had spoke, almost chuckling as he struggled to stand "I'm offering the world a new. Ironic isn't it, you came here to save these girls, and yet it's their powers together that will come to end everything that you rely on. All that time you spent cultivating your quirk and strength, its them that destroyed it, all of its all gone to waste" he spoke, Mirio's head raised, facing to the two children one of his gloved hands lifting to hold the child's, he smiled at them warmly

"YOU'RE POWERLESS" Chisaki yelled out placing his hand on the ground, only for Chronostasis's body to be thrown at him

Chisaki threw the man away, only to be met with a strong punch to his forearm and he had grunted in pain "My work hasn't all been for nothing, quirkless or not"

"I AM STILL LEMILLION" Mirio yelled out

He continued to pummel the man, dodging and landing a blow to his face

"Le-Lemillion" Eri stuttered out with wide eyes

The small girl's gaze fixated on the teen "H-he-hero" she said her voice breaking, tears falling from her eyes as she clutched the red fabric in her hands

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