Name of Adoptive Child

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Aizawa stood carefully at the front door of the room, the new information causing pin pricks of delight to break through his usual care free facade, he could feel his fingers twitch in excitement as he slipped inside, the sight of the two children sitting lazily atop their claimed picnic blanket as they relaxed beneath the shining rays from the window, dishes now empty, only a couple tangerine slices left, greeted him.

"Aiwawa," the youngest girl called, spotting him quickly and the man couldn't contain his effervescent grin, "the tic no 9 yet," she commented, pointing the the clock and then to the marked numbers atop the test sheet.

"I was quicker than I expected," he hummed, body still bubbling with elation.

"Quick quick," Eri repeated, nodding towards the younger child.

"What Aiwawa do," the smallest questioned, curious.

"Well-" he didn't know where to begin, "you remember Yamada right?"

"Yamana!" she cheered, turning to Eri, "he nice, superper nice, he read book and play scary sharkie," the child explained and Eri listened intently, fascinated.

"I was talking to him on the phone."

"Laptop phone people?"


"What did you talk about," Eri chimed in, tilting her head and Aizawa couldn't stop his smile.

"You know how right now you two are staying in the hospital," he explained, crouching down to join them on their picnic blanket and the girls turned to him, attentive.

"Here hospital."

"Yes this hospital," he nodded, patting the (h/c) haired child's head and he could feel his heart begin to thud even quicker, nervous yet filled with an adrenaline of excitement. "We were talking about how maybe we could take you back to UA."


"Yes the school I work at," he confirmed slightly proud at how the youngling could retain information so easily.

"We would live at school?" Eri tilted her head, remembering the word from the cartoons that'd play in her room. "That's where you learn, can you live there?" she asked, perplexed.

Aizawa found himself slightly overjoyed at how intelligent these children were, how intelligent his soon to be children were. "UA has a big campus, so we were thinking that maybe you two could live with us, Hizashi, or rather Yamada and I," he explained, fixing up the names knowing that the young girl only remembered Hizashi by the name of 'Yamana'.

"Live with Aiwawa," the girl hummed, staring up at him, "I wannu live with Aiwawa, I wannu, I wannu," she cheered, "Aiwawa an Eri an Yamana an me, I wannu live there!"

Aizawa could feel his heart lift.

"M-Me too," Eri nodded eagerly.

Then it was confirmed.

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