The Comfort of a Cape

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"Did you really think someone will save you" his voice echoed, sailing down from the platform on which he stood, staring down at the child in distaste

The gold of his mask reflected the sunlight that shone down onto him from where he stood on his podium. "Well did you" he cackled as she watched in horror as red liquid spilled from the top of where he stood

Like a waterfall produced from his feet she watched in fear as the blood pooled

"Did you really think he was your hero" Chisaki cackled, the body he formed from absorbing his underlings body, the four arms that popped from his back like monstrous wings, each hand carried fisted fabric

"P-Please" she sobbed, standing shakily on her feet as she clutched the red cape around her shoulders. "P-Please let go" the child screamed "let all go!"

Her eyes filled with tears, as each one of his horrific arms held someone she knew.

One carried the green haired boy who held her so gingerly

 Another clutched the back of the blond who wrapped the cape around her shoulders and grinned at her brighter than the sun itself

A third arm grasped the ravenette who hugged her every time she cried

His fourth and final hand held the brown dress of the pale haired child who cried with her every time she got scared, the girl who cooed her to sleep and told her stories for hours. The only one who kept her sane

Why were they bleeding

Why did the pool not form from his feet but slide down his body from his arms, why did they all look so pale


"You did this" Overhaul hummed. "If you only listened to me, none of this would've happened"

"N-No" she whispered, voice meek 

"They're dead because of you"


Her pulse thrummed in her ears as she wrapped the red fabric of the blond hero's cape around her tighter. She let tears spill from her eyes as her hair slowly floated, she let the overwhelming feeling consume her, she let the gold cover her irises


Rocks and rubble began to float from the ground. She stared at those who showed her kindness, she stared as blood leaked from holes in their guts. She watched as their blood created the waterfall inching to her feet

"Aw, do you really think this will work" he cooed, turning to watch the floating debris, and suddenly, in one sharp movement the bodies fell, limply tumbling from the podium and into the lake of their blood. "Every action you take results in someone dying" he scoffed, watching the bodies he let go fall. "Are you really trying to save these dead carcasses even though you are a murderer yourself" the man hummed

"N-No dead" she whimpered, lifting the rocks, lifting the dust 

"They're dead" he corrected "Funny how you care about these bodies but not the rest of the ones you made" he scoffed "you monster." He brought a hand into the pocket of his green coat

"But I guess you don't have to worry about having that guilt for long, because you'll join them soon" he cooed and suddenly she heard the unmistakable 


Her pulse thrummed through her ears, watching as the red bullet sailed from the barrel of the gun

She had helped produce that weapon 

And yet it was the one that'd kill her

Plunging into her skull she felt her body go lax, tilting to the side as all mobility left her, she watched the bodies that swam in their own blood, watched those who were kind but those who were killed for their kindness

She heard Chisaki cackle, maniacal laughter as she was moments from the ground

But before she could reach the stone


The child jolted suddenly, flying from the bed as her eyes spun, her heart thrummed rapidly as she looked to the broken glass on her nightstand 

She gasped for air, adrenaline pulsing through her veins as she felt the beads of sweat sticky against her back. Her lungs contracted as she gasped for oxygen, like a fish out of water

"Just cup, just cup" she tried to calm herself, "bad dream, bad dream, no dead, no dead" the child chanted over and over again, slipping from her blankets and to the ground, letting the hard tile welcome her after yet another night plagued by dreams

She stared from the ground up towards the chair by the door, it being empty yet again. Why had Aizawa never been here when she was haunted by horrific visions. She knew he almost always slips out of the room the moment her head hit the pillow. She knew from the sheer amount of times she awoke violently from a dream only to find the ravenette missing from her room

She didn't even bother to call out his name this time as she crawled beneath the bed, letting the enclosed space capture her

"Just bad dream, bad dream, Eri no dead, Eri in room, no he- hero dead no hero dead, Aiwawa okay, Aiwawa alway okay" she sobbed to herself, fingers reaching up to the bedframe above her, pulling out the small comfort item she kept hidden

The red fabric slipped from it's spot, collapsing to the ground and the child pulled it over her body. Letting out a shuttering breath she wrapped the cape around her figure "it okay no cry, no cry, no cry it okay" she cooed to herself, trying to keep the tears from her waterline

"Lemillion hero" she mumbled "he okay, all okay he keep Eri safe, Lemillion keep safe, every one safe, every okay, no one dead, no dead, no dead" 

Clutching the red cape to her body tightly the girl sobbed, she fisted the material tightly, shaking her head as she cleared her mind

How long she lay their covered in the cape she didn't know

She didn't know how long she cried for, how long she slept for but it didn't matter

The cape hugged her and told her she was safe, that her dream was only that, a dream. It wasn't real and the cape told her only the truth because the next morning, when a frantic Aizawa busted through the door, yelling and calling for her, she clambered out from under the bed and had received a tight embrace

It was all a bad dream, none of them had died

It was safe

She was safe


Guess who's back, back again

It's me and my inconsistent updates!

I'm lazy, but you know you love me

Anyways please drink some water and have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night

Love ya ❤️

(April 15, 2023)

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