Villain Chase

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It was late at night when Aizawa headed back to the hospital. He exited his black car and let the night breeze tickle his face, the pale crescent moon shone proudly, the sight of the faraway apartment lights shining as though they were stars.

The man had gone out to dinner with Hizashi, they grabbing ramen from a local place that was run by a wonderful elderly couple and their children. It seemed to be a small family run restaurant 

Aizawa had walked towards the large medical building, wondering if the older child had awoke yet as he made his way towards the elevator. After checking in the with the woman at the front desk he headed towards the elevator. Pressing the button on the side panel, the arrow that face up glowed a warm orangey yellow.
He waited a few moments as he watched the doors finally open. Wasting no time the man stepped inside pressing the button with the number of the floor on which the children resided. He watched almost impatiently as he watched the door close, feeling the metal box jerk up. The hum of generic elevator music playing throughout the small space 

The ravenette tapped his foot against the ground, checking his pocket making sure he had his phone as he watched the door open.
His half lidded eyes jolted wide as he heard a sudden scream. Not one of sadness or anger, not one of a child who wanted a toy and was throwing a tantrum, no this was a scream of fear, a scream of genuine horror.

Instantly Aizawa's feet carried him, his shoes clacking against the ground as he sprinted down the hall. He wasted no time, not even bothering to look through the large window of the room as he slammed the door open. It boomed from being slid open so harshly. He entered quickly his eyes darting around as his gaze found itself landing on a person dressed in black. Their body concealed, their face hiding in the darkness of the room.
In the figure's arms he was met with the sight of the young child. Her body shaking as she let out heartbreaking sobs. Her chest heaved, and her appearance was disheveled as she tried to fight away from her captor's grasp

It was almost an innate response as his scarf shot forward, his quirk activating as his hair flew up. His once dark eyes turning red as he rushed forward. Aizawa's gray scarf wrapped around the child and with gentle force he broke her from the person's grasp. The unknown individual was seemingly startled from his sudden appearance and had loosened their grip on the child, making it easier for Aizawa to retrieve her

The ravenette felt the child's body reach his own as he defensively wrapped his arms around her small shaking frame. The girl's horrendous sobs hurt his heart to hear as he felt her horror radiate

Aizawa held the girl close as he shot out his scarf to attack once more, opting to fight long distance and try to capture the unknown individual in his scarf instead of placing the child down and rely on close combat. The teacher attempted to grab ahold of the person only for them to evade quite skillfully 

The person wistfully jumped from the already broken window and out into the dark night. Aizawa's adrenaline pumped his quirk deactivating as he had to close his eyes

"WHAT'S GOING ON!" he heard a voice shriek behind him and he recognized it as one of the female's he had seen at the front desk. The woman seemed to have rushed up from the loud cries that left the child in his arms

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