The Late Night Message

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Friday (Day 6)


The class of 1-A climbed the large rock wall, a certain four seeming to be climbing faster then the others, they were much stronger then they were before. The whole class noticed how Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Tsu seemed different since their work studies, they have gotten stronger and only some noticed how off they seemed, their aura seemingly intense

Uraraka pulled herself up the final rock, standing atop the giant stone glancing over at her green haired friend who gazed down, you could practically sense his sadness. The once bubbly girl walked over with a crooked smile "Hey Deku its gonna be okay alright" she grinned trying to lift his mood. Those few words had brought a small smile to his face, Uraraka felt her spirits slightly lift

Kirishima had then ran over with a big toothy grin, radiating a contagious positivity that he tried to share with his work study comrades. Steps away from the pair he slung his arms over their shoulders "Yeah don't worry bro we'll save em"

"Yeah we'll do our best kero" Tsuyu nodded walking over "I'm sure the pros will find the location by today or tomorrow don't stress" she lightly grinned

Those words had brought up Midoriya's mood his dread lifted though only slightly, but is was enough that he could produce a genuine smile, the first over the past couple days

« ʚ♡ɞ »

The lunch bell rang and three boys decided to eat together. Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida sat down at a table

The greenette had a bowl of Katsudon. He broke apart his chopsticks but just held each one in his hand, clenching his fists around them harshly, his knuckles turning white as he stared at his food blankly, his eyes fogged over with guilt

"P-please please don't go"

"Please save us"

"Bye bye" 

Those words rung inside his head, the image of Eri clutching his hero's costume in fear. The sight of the smaller child in Chisaki's arms, the way she tried to reach out but then quickly retreated, the way her face was stained with tears, her frantic breaths. It made him so angry with himself, he couldn't do anything then, but he was determined to get the two back and keep them safe

Midoriya vision blurred in frustration as he continued to stare at his food

"You're not going to eat" Todoroki asked sitting a seat away from him, Iida between the two sipping juice from a cup

Todoroki's voice knocked Midoriya from his daze "Of course I am see" Midoriya said rather enthusiastically that it seemed fake. He quickly started to shove bites of his lunch down his throat

"Are you alright" Iida asked clearly concerned

"You've been acting all weird and and moody ever since you came back from your work study" Todoroki stated bluntly before slurping up some of his soba

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