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"We did it!" Hizashi laughed, staring at the flurry of papers that lay out on the desk that Aizawa began to carefully package. "It's pretty much done," he exclaimed, leaning back in the rolling chair, heart feeling light and fluffy. "Now all we have to do is submit these papers and then they are legally our children" he all but screamed, chest thumping wildly, adrenaline running rampant with the exciting possibility that this was it, they were one step away from these children being theirs, forever, or for as long as they'd want them as their parents, which was hopefully forever.

Aizawa couldn't help but chuckle, rounding the string through the plastic loops to seal the envelope.

"We should get the papers in today," Hizashi pumped his fists, "the faster we get 'em in, the faster it'll be processed, and the faster our family will be recognized under the law," the blond nodded, spinning to face the children who held crayons in their fists, colouring over blank sheets of paper, or more specifically printed and pre-marked essays that the English teacher finally finished grading. The scores already inputted digitally through his laptop.

"Your plan sounds great and all," Aizawa snickered, "but we can't really leave," he gestured to the girls. 

Letting out a sigh Hizashi grumbled, "I don't wanna go alone, I don't even know if they'll let me go alone," he huffed, "they'd probably prefer if both parents are there." 

"We can always go tomorrow," the ravenette reasoned, tossing the envelope atop the desk ,"I can figure out a babysitter," he mumbled taking out his phone to look through his contacts.

"Or we can go today!" 

"Zashi I already told you-"

"We can just ask Mirio and Midoriya to look after them," the blond offered, "Midoriya has been harassing me every time I've seen him on when he can visit," he sighed, however hips lips still quirked in a grin, "and Mirio has been ambushing me ever since he found out Eri was awake." 

"We could," he paused, contemplating whether it was a good idea or not. He observed the children intently as they yammered on to one another, scrawling and scribbling. Based on the way (Y/N) had interacted with Mirio it should be fine he concluded, noticing how the young girl held the black cat plush tucked in her arms as she drew, scratching the animal atop the head every once and a while, turning back to the man, "yeah that sounds like a good idea."

 « ʚ♡ɞ »

Would he have to bring something, a present, a gift, what do little girls like anyways. Would they want an All Might figurine, but that's a limited edition one, he couldn't give away his limited edition All Might figurine, but is that greedy, they were cute little kids, they probably deserved the figurine more than him.

"Deku you're pacing," Uraraka giggled, staring up at the boy who muttered as he walked in circles.

"Midoriya they are children, I don't think they will care whether you give them an All Might figurine, a Barbie doll or even a box," Iida tried, watching as his panicked friend ran his hands through his locks, fingers getting stuck near the ends of his knotted curls.

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