Unconventional Naps

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Aizawa awoke to an agonizing pain bursting across his shoulders and the numbness of a lack of circulation in his left arm. With a groan he tried to stretch out his limbs, only for his arm to hit the ceiling

This wasn't right, either the room had shrunk or he had grown or

He had fallen asleep in the backseat of his car

"SHIT" shooting up, he slammed his head against the roof. He scrambled towards the door, tugging at the handle rapidly. Though no matter how hard he pulled, the door wouldn't open. "WHAT THE FUCK" he screamed, his mind racing

How did he fall asleep in his fucking car, he wondered. As he finally realized that his insistent tugging at the door handle wasn't due to a lack of strength but rather due to the fact that he forgot to unlock the door

Pressing his lips into a thin line he flicked the lock open, pulling and the handle and almost falling out of the car as he scrambled out the door. "BITCH" he yelped the moment he felt his keys snag against his thigh. Snatching the metal in his hands before stumbling to the ground. Letting himself hit the pavement of the parking lot before running towards the hospital. Clicking his keys to lock his vehicle as he narrowly avoided an oncoming car, the sound of a car horn yelling at him echoed, though he didn't care

He had half the right mind to flip them off, and he would've if he wasn't a pro hero, actually no, he would've flipped them off either way but he was in a rush and flipping off a bunch of strangers wasn't as important as getting back to the little girl

"Please don't wake up" he grumbled, sliding through the automatic doors of the building, and thank god they were automatic because otherwise the ravenette would've ran smack dab into the doors as he refused to slow his pace

How did Aizawa pass out in his car, well he didn't know either. One second he was receiving a call and the next he found himself scrambling to his car as to not answer it and disturb the slumbering child or any of the other children who resided in the same hospital wing. His car seemingly the only suitable and private place where he could have a conversation without disrupting anyone

He remembered talking to Hizashi ,the blond ranting about god knows what as Aizawa laid in the back seat of his car, taking the opportunity to relax, sleeping in chairs not doing any wonders for his back, or shoulders or body in general but he didn't mind. Though at that moment he had the chance to properly lay down and laze around so he took it

He only paid partial attention as he felt his limbs relax and his ears slightly hurt before he eventually pulled the device away from his ears and put it on speaker mode, allowing him to place the phone on the car's console as he reclined back

But he never remembered closing his eyes, or at least that's what he told himself as he narrowly ran into a wall as he rounded a corner. Rapidly tapping the elevator buttons, trying to speed up the process despite his actions doing nothing to pick up the pace of the metal contraption

Waltzing into the box before even checking that anyone was inside ,he pressed the button, taking him up to the child's floor. He almost slammed into the elevator doors as he heard the chime of the lift reaching it's destination, though once again luck seemed to be on his side as the doors slid open, allowing him to practically sprint down the hall, reaching the kid's room in seconds before he slid open the door, being gentle as to not wake the girl if she was sleeping

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