First Impressions

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Mirio felt small in front of the large white building. He clutched the bouquet of flowers and small plush in his large slightly shaking hands

It was quite strange, usually full of confidence Mirio felt himself fill with worry. He was excited to see the small girl yes, but he didn't want to scare her, didn't want to hurt her accidentally, didn't want to make her hate him

A good impression, he wanted to leave a good impression

But could he leave a good impression in a simple graphic tee and jeans

Yes, he told himself, yes he could, Tamaki picked it out for him, and he trusted Tamaki. Tamaki wouldn't make a fool out of him. Steeling his shaking fists he brushed past the thought. Putting on a smile he walked towards the hospital doors, the sensors automatically moving the sliding glass to the side

He could feel himself buzz with excitement as he walked into the elevator, recalling exactly what floor and room number Aizawa told him, however he knew where she was even before the teacher told him. Back when she initially arrived and he was hospitalized he'd walk through the halls to the children's wing a couple of times, peering in through the large window to check up on both girls 

Once the door dinged open he continued onto his path, feeling his nerves tingle but his joy screamed louder. With a big smile he walked straight passed the window and stood in front of the door, his fist knocking gently, once, twice, three times 

« ʚ♡ɞ »

The child fiddled with the cape, nervous, scared, excited, she didn't know what she felt as she twisted the fabric into bunches, pacing around the room. He was coming, the hero was coming. Her hair was nicely twisted and her clothes were pretty. 

What to do, what to do

Aizawa had already took her to the bathroom 5 times already to allow her to inspect her outfit yet what happens if the hero didn't like it, what happens if he thought she was ugly

She wanted to make a good impression, a perfect impression, the hero was coming, he was coming soon, he had to like her, she needed him to like her, wanting to see that big bright grin. That large smile that belonged to a man who had told her he would save her

The hero who wrapped a cape around her shoulders with a smile and took a bullet for her. The kind hearted man would visit today, she was nervous? scared? excited? she felt everything all at once 

Aizawa watched with a small grin, staring at the child who would calm herself down only to work herself back up again. He didn't really know why she was anxious, Mirio wouldn't hate her even if she threw up in his face, but it's not like she really knew that, and at this point Aizawa slowly grew worried that his hypothetical might come true with how nervous she looked. Maybe he should've scheduled the meeting before lunch

He wanted to call out to her, but didn't know what to say. What should he say, what could he say. The child resembled a fire cracker, one small spark and she would blow up with nerves, he didn't want to set her off, but he didn't want her to be so jittery

The teacher found it hard to follow her train of thought. Normally, all the kids he previously saved would be bounding off the walls with joy to see the hero that saved them. They would scream and shout, being as loud and as rambunctious as they possibly could, but then again, the words loud and rambunctious didn't really fit this particular child who's exclamations of victory in rock paper scissors weren't louder than when his students try to, but miserably fail, at whispering to one another during class

Watching the child pace he saw as she suddenly halted, eyes zipping to the doors

She heard it. The unmistakable thump thump thump of feet, the sounds held the weight of only one man, the sound followed the same rhythm of that very same man who owned the cape she held. She didn't see him, didn't hear his voice, but she knew it was him, no one else she ever heard walked the same way, their steps weren't as rushed as they were in Overhaul's lair, but they held the same resilience 

The same thrive to keep moving even if they weren't as desperate

And then she heard it, the sound that clarified his existence, not once, not twice but three times

knock knock knock 

He was here

She could feel her pulse thrum in her fingertips, the steady beat setting her body aflame with anticipation as she eyed the door

He was here, he was really here

Aizawa got up to walk towards the door, his footsteps light and quick, barely making a sound as he reached to slide open the barrier blocking her from the hero

Taking in a breath she felt it catch in her throat as she saw him

The door thunked against the wall, revealing the tall blonde haired boy, his hair slicked back just as it was when she first saw him, and his smile, his bright, bright smile that sent sparks of hope into her system gleamed right in front of her

He was here, the hero was here


Her hero was here 


Drink some water and have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night

Love ya❤

(March 30, 2024)

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