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It felt all too similar 

Aizawa couldn't help but compare his current predicament with the one he faced weeks ago, perched in an uncomfortable wooden chair as he watched over a sleeping child

Eri slept comfortably, fingers twitching every so often and Aizawa had to brace himself in anticipation but also held himself back from getting too excited. He was ready for her to awake, excited for her to awake

The consistent beeping of her heart monitor a comforting lull 

Wake up, he could feel himself think 

Wake up, wake up, wake up

Despite his wishes Eri's eyes still remained closed. "Please," he mumbled, desperate. No matter how much he wanted to be able to ease that young girl's pain, without Eri, all attempts would be fruitless

But regardless of helping the younger, he just wanted her wake, longing for her eyes to open, it had been to long for her to be out, she was wasting away her days asleep. She was unjustly tucked away, lay to a coma just because of cowardly actions

She needed to wake up, not only for the youngers sake, but for his, and for herself

« ʚ♡ɞ »

She looked into the pond, staring into the pool of water for the umpteenth time. It was murky as though she was staring through a lens smudged with dirt. There was something on the other side. She could feel it, the disorienting fog that clouded her mind like cotton in her brain, fragmenting her memories, only spotting fleeting glimpses of each dream. Every so often she could hear it

There was something

It was confusing to say the least and more so when she emerged into the depths of the pond. Days upon days she scoured the night, a bitter taste on her tongue as she traversed a forest of darkness

At time she could see a light, a small flickering pin hole flittering around like a firefly, yet as she reached out the cup the buzzing beam it vanished, turning to dust, speckles of brightness swishing from her palms to be forgotten among the never ending expanse of nothing

Yet one day those beams of light returned, and as she grabbed ahold the only sign that she was still alive, it grew, the warm specks she awaited to paint her palm did not fizzle out. The brightness expanded larger and larger and suddenly there was a flash

A bright white that then slowly revealed the fading in image of the lake, but when she leaned over to stare inside, there was a brooding gloom permeating its being

The white smog hung low, like weeping clouds, keeping her field of vision small, focused only around the expanse of dreary water

It was disorienting, that change in scenery

She knew, she could sense that soon enough the water would clear and yet as she stared not even her reflection glanced back

But she could hear it, within the ripples she could sense the sounds, a faint beeping, a cry, she could hear it

Clipped Wings Of A Baby AngelWhere stories live. Discover now