Sick Mess

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Trigger Warnings

Depictions of Vomiting
Mentions of Blood


It was uncomfortable, the tiled ground caused a numbing pain to blossom as discomfort encompassed her body 

Tiny droplets of crimson beaded from the tips of her fingers, bubbling up without falling, the child watched in a strange amusement as she licked the tip of one of her pointer fingers, swiping the blood onto her tongue. The familiar metallic tang spilling onto her taste buds. The girl waited, watching as the blood licked away slowly was replaced, she squeezed the tip of her finger, quickening the process 

Blinking slowly, a curiosity on why more blood was only produced when the previous drop was licked away permeated her mind as she reached forward. Sore pebble imprinted palms cupping a small plastic glass 

The red dots on her fingers smeared against the cup as she lifted the glass to her lips, hands shaky as sparks of pain blistered across her palms. Tilting the cup back she felt a steady stream of water spill into her lips, quenching the dry desert of her throat 

It was quiet, the faint sound of her stuffy nose intaking air and the sound of the swallow of water the only noise. She sat in the silence, it was deafening yet as she slowly grew accustomed to it the large metal door in the room squealed, a high pitched noise piercing the quiet as it screeched open 

The sound sent her shuttering, her grip on the cup slipping, the sound of the plastic cup rattling on the ground. "22195" her name was said, eerily whispered

Quickly her eyes flickered up to meet cold bloodthirsty ones. She felt a chill creep up her spine. "Aw, did you get scared" an empty chuckle spilled into the room, the clicking of shoes sent her recoiling, each step he took closer sent her farther back. His mahogany bird beak mask glimmered, the gold reflecting the fluorescent light that beamed down from the ceiling  

The taps grew closer, the continuous patter before a sudden abrupt stop. The sound of water splashing meeting her ears. "22195" her name was called once more, causing her eyes to snap up to meet his, hoping her attentiveness would lessen the burden of pain that was inevitably going to be inflicted. "What's this" he cooed, voice lacking a comforting warmth. The man tapped his black shoes into the puddle spilled from the cup

"Wa-" her throat constricted around the words and she gulped down a breath of air, wanting to answer, needing, to answer. "Wa- water" she breathed out, suddenly feeling breathless 

"Why is there water on the ground" it suddenly felt cold. The girl opened her mouth yet no words spilled out. "22195" he was growing impatient and that brought more fear to the child 

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