Split up forces

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Saturday (Day 7)



"Go on, I can handle them myself" Tamaki shouted

"W-Wait you don't have to! Suneater, we can take em down together" Kirishima told his upperclassmen

"Please, why don't you all stay" the man with the katana spoke lunging forward going to strike at the red head, barely grazing the ends of his spiky hair before he was trapped in tentacles, the man's eyes wide in shock

"Red Riot I got this" he turned to face the younger a soft smile on his lips. "Just trust me alright" he spoke before turning, launching the adversary forward glaring at the thugs

"Y-YEAH ALRIGHT!" he gave a toothy grin running off with the group. Taking one last look at Tamaki who fought the 3 opponents, seeing his figure slowly shrink with each step he took as he ran to catch up with Fatgum, a giant smile on his face

« ʚ♡ɞ »

Overhaul's group continued to venture through the halls. The young child continued to to slip in and out of consciousness, though her grip on Eri's hand which she had grabbed hadn't eased up for a second. Eri was her only sense of comfort in the chaos that brewed on the upper levels of the base

The sounds only seemed to grow louder and louder though Chisaki took his sweet sweet time. It was like he was taking a leisurely walk through a garden without a care in the world. though that's only the pace he stepped. In reality he was slightly angered he had to leave. "Damn heroes" he grumbled so quietly even if the noises on the higher levels didn't exist it would be hard to hear him. "Incompetent bastards" he cursed referring to the idiots who he called his men, annoyed at the fact that heroes were still coming after them. He had hoped they would've been held back by the men who had been sent out, but it looks like they couldn't put up even a bit of a fight

Overhaul hadn't given any specific instruction, not knowing what to expect. He had just said to keep the heroes back long enough for the four to escape and relocate

The ceiling above them began to shake and a rumbling sound was heard. The tiny girl increased her grip on Eri's hand, fear consuming her body. "Those fools better be doing their jobs" Chisaki sighed "I hate to say it, but I think this is the end for the Hassaikai, well the current one at least. As long as the boss and I live, the Hassaikai will too" Overhaul said not even considering the fact that he could be captured, and clearly not believing he would die anytime soon. Being feared and people practically pissing their pant's in your presence can boost a persons ego quite a bit

"Most of the men remain loyal to the boss and don't understand my way of thinking, even though I respect the bosses will more then any of them do" Chisaki sighed, thinking ill of the idiotic people that called themselves members of the Hassaikai, the only person he has full trust in is Kurono

Chisaki trusted basically only himself, the people surrounding him were only there to keep him protected, and help him out with keeping the children from running away

No one had ever bothered to even look in the direction of the two females, never bothering to give them the time of day. No one had even tried to save them, though the girls never expected them too

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