Heroes in a Dream?

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Wednesday (Day 4)


After their interaction with both children and the member of the Shie Hassaikai, Mirio and Midoriya reported their findings to Nighteye. Rushing towards him to provide any and every piece of intel they had gathered on the group

"Two daughters?" Nighteye questioned "do you know either of their names, if we know we can try doing a background check" the pro questioned as both boy's nodded

"The presumably older one was named Eri, and the one in Chisaki's arm was named...." Mirio stopped in his tracks

"Did Eri tell you her name?" Mirio turned to face the greenette, but Midoriya shook his head no as he tried to recall any memory of the younger child's name being spoken

"Chisaki seemed as if he was avoiding in saying the youngers name" Midoriya concluded, remembering all the chances where saying the younger's name would've been easier but he instead said she or little one. Mirio nodded in agreement to the greenette's conclusion

"Alright then at least we can get one of their names, I'll try and see what I can do" Nighteye concluded looking towards the two teens seeing crestfallen look adorn their features "Don't feel down you two, you both did a great job" Nighteye praised trying to lighten the boy's moods. The hero continued and explained the plan he thought of before this new situation had arised. Apparently Nighteye had talked to other agencies in helping with the underground drug trade, but now this new problem had been brought into the light he knew that they'd be more then happy to help in rescuing the two girls.

"Do you understand, we have to think before our next action. Each step we take forward can have major consequences" Nighteye continued to explain trying to tell them not to rush into anything but Mirio spoke up

"Sir I'd like to inform you of one important piece of information that will change the entire operation's time line"

"What do you mean Mirio"

"Right before Eri ran away Midoriya told me that she said the younger would leave at the end of this week to some unknown location, and won't come back for another 7 days" the blonde explained as his underclassmen nodded in confirmation

"I'll have to take that into consideration when planning" Nighteye muttered, scribbling something onto the pad of paper at his desk "Thank you boys, you two are dissmissed go take a break and eat some food alright"

"Yes sir"

« ʚ♡ɞ »

Mineta approached Midoriya's desk asking the seemingly distracted green bean if there were any hot babes at the agency he was interning at. The pervy grape just got a yeah sure in response to his question just making Mineta more intruiged but the the greenette seemed to be in a daze. His eyes looked off into the distance almost hazy as he was lost in thought

In front of him Bakugo was covering his ears with his hands yelling angrily like he normally is but this time what he was yelling about was different then usual, this time he shouted "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOU GETTING AHEAD OF ME" that seemed to snap him back to reality a small smile quirking at his lips only to fall when the images of the previous day played in his mind . Eri clutching to his hero costume as she trembled, the even smaller girl in Chisaki's arms who looked like she was hyperventilating. The images were engraved into his head. He wanted too, he needed too save them. They only had one week or they had to wait another to rescue them both, and saving the two at the same time would be easier. If they attacked and only got Eri back, the other group could keep the second child and then they'd have to conduct a whole other search, and who knows how long that might take

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