Laptop People

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Aizawa had put the child to sleep before silently slipping from the room, flicking the lights off before he slid the door shut behind him, gazing through the window to find that the child hadn't even stirred

Quickly but quietly padding through the hall, he made his way to the elevator in which he rode down to the main floor

Hastily making his way past the front desk and towards the exit, he sent a small glance to the receptionist who was busy speaking frantically on the phone 

The woman simply nodded at his passing, taking note of his leaving and understanding from the gesture done by his hands the he'd be back in a few minutes

Rushing towards his car he clicked the keys, watching as the lights flashed before he pulled the door open and settled inside. Clasping his phone in his hand, he promptly unlocked it

The teacher felt a slight adrenaline rush with how hurriedly he was moving, wanting to get back to the child's room in fear that she may wake up alone 

Scrolling through his contacts he saw the name he searched for and quickly clicked, bringing the ringing device to his ear

It rung once, twice, three times before the call went through. A gentle click before some shuffling, and finally a raspy and groggy voice of Present Mic hit his ears as a mumbled "hello?" played through his phone

"I need you to contact Nezu and ask him to send in Recovery Girl to the hospital." There was more shuffling before a sharp inhale through the nose 

"Is something wrong!?" the blond asked frantically, his suddenly sleepy stupor long gone as he threw off his blankets and got ready to sprint to the hospital if needed

"No" Aizawa said bluntly

"Are you hurt, wait are the children hurt" Hizashi questioned, his voice growing louder and Aizawa could hear more shuffling of what could only be the male running through his apartment

"No, calm down I just need Recovery Girl to check on the younger" 


"She hasn't had a check up yet and a little old lady will probably seems like the least frightening doctor to check in on her" 

"Oh" the man breathed "why didn't you start with that! Y-You got me worried" the blond grumbled and suddenly the fast paced movement her heard on the other side halted 

"I told you to calm down"

"Uh huh, yeah, and you told me to calm down last time we were on patrol and you got a concussion" he heaved 

"I was fine"

"You were close to death my friend, you are to relaxed when it come with anything to do with yourself" Hizashi huffed "but yeah I'll call the principal or whatever"

"Okay thanks, I'm gonna han-" 

"WAIT!?" Aizawa flinched at the sudden yell. "Why does Recovery Girl get to meet the kids before I do, I though I was your favourite" the blond fumed

Clipped Wings Of A Baby AngelWhere stories live. Discover now