Flame Scorched Fear

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Aizawa had never watched so many hair tutorials in his life

His phone rested precariously near the edge of the sink, the faucet propping the device up as he watched the woman in the tutorial show how to properly concoct a beautiful braided hair style. Gently the man began to fumble with (h/c) haired locks, trying to keep up with the quick movements the lady said he should know by now

"Pause" he mumbled and the child reached up, pressing a pudgy finger to the screen of his device to stop the video from continuing to play as he tried his best to slowly recreate the movements previously shown 

"Aiwawa take so long" the child huffed, dangling her legs from the tall chair the teacher settled her in

"Well I've never done this before" he sighed, smiling from behind the child staring at her through the mirror as he undid the braid once again, he would not settle for a sloppy hairstyle

"But Aiwawa have long hair, why Aiwawa no do" the girl hummed, kicking her legs as the man pursed his lips, tightly winding the strands into an intricate and beautiful design

"Because I'm lazy" he grinned, tying off the braid with a matching white bow he put in the other braids he formed. The bows a gift from no other than Yamada himself

The child leaned her head back, staring up at Aizawa from where she was gently perched

"Yes" he chuckled, gently finger curling the few strands he let dangle in front on her face as recommended, squishing the little girl's cheek while he was at it, satisfied with how her face slowly began to fill due to consuming proper foods 

"Good" she praised, lifting a fist in the air, extending a thumb up, pressing it into the end of Aizawa's chin, referring to her hair

"Thank you" the laughed, leaning down, allowing the girl access to his face as she began to scratch at his beard

"Aiwawa should put bow here too" she teased lightly, scratching at the fuzz, the usual beard that clipped close to his face now beginning to grow out due to his lack of time. He barely even made the time to shower everyday, taking a quick 5 minute wash, wasting no time lingering in the water as he listened to the child babble outside the bathroom door, awaiting him every day 

"I'm gonna trim it soon" he huffed in faux anger, the quirk of his lips obviously showing his lack of annoyance, bringing his own hand up do scratch the scruff of his beard, maybe he should just shave it all off, it'd save him time anyways

"That good too" the child hummed squishing his cheeks once before returning them back down, swiveling around in her chair to face him 

"Good to know you don't like my current look" he sighed with a smile, gently taking the girl from her underarms, lifting her weight onto his hip

"Aiwawa never grow out" she waggled her finger in his face as he nudged the door of the bathroom open

"Okay okay" he grinned, settling her down on the ground, crouching down with her as her feet met the floor "I won't get too lazy to not shave my beard, I got it." At that the child lifted her hand, patting it to the top of his head, Aizawa would've done the same, but one look at that damned beautiful hair he spent hours on he refrained, letting the girl tousle his already messy locks

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