Colds and Clothes

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After the events from the morning, Aizawa and the young child continued to lay in the warmth of the sun, drinking in the last of its ray before it shines its light through another window

The girl sat next to the older teacher, her hair beautifully braided and her body decked out in a pale yellow dress with a white undershirt and black tights. She grasped onto the red cape in anticipation. The hero would come any moment now

Any moment 

"He'll be here soon" Aizawa hummed "don't worry" he pat her head, careful not to ruin the intricate style he spent hours on

"But what if no" she mumbled, lower lip slightly jutting out as she held the fabric

"Believe me, Mirio wouldn't miss this for the world" the teacher grinned, gently tugging on her cheek, watching her pout retract. "He's really excited" 

"H-Hero is!?" she slightly gasped, a twinkle dancing in her eyes

"Mhm" the teacher chuckled, watching her fist the material, looking down at it with an unfiltered happiness

"When hero come I see, I see then- then when Eri up, when Eri up Eri see t-too" the girl said, stumbling over her words with haste as she scooched closer to the teacher. "When hero come Eri save too" the child asked, eyes wide 

"Save?" Aizawa queried "Eri is already safe"

"Aiwawa say Eri sick so I no see" she tried to explain, fidgeting with the cape in her hands "but hero save Eri from sick, so I see Eri gain" 

The dark haired man sat quietly, mouth slightly agape. He really didn't explain the concept of being sick to her. "Kiddo" he cooed, shifting her onto his lap "Eri being sick isn't something Mirio can really fix"

"What?" her eyes flickered to his, wide with shock and he could see them begin to glaze over

"Hey, hey" he hastily whispered, bringing a thumb to brush away a stray tear that trickled down her cheek. "It's nothing to cry bout okay, Eri is going to be fine, the doctors are taking care of her"

"D-doctor" she mumbled

"Mhm" the teacher hummed "doctor, like the lady who helped you, remember, Recovery Girl"

"Covery Girl help Eri why no better" she sniffled

"Eri" he let out a sigh "she has a fever that won't go down so the doctors are keeping her sedated-" he paused "no, the doctors are letting her sleep so she saves energy" he wasn't going to mention that if she wasn't in a state of rest there was a chance she could die if her quirk acted up again. The physical stress it could possibly have on her body not a risk anyone wanted to take. Every so often Eri would stir and while he longed for her to awake, he only recently found out that the doctors were keeping her in a medical induced coma in order to buy more time for her body to naturally recuperate until it reached a state in which it could handle a quirk mishap without threatening Eri's life

"Save energy"

"Yeah" he nodded

"So hero no save"

"Mirio can't help her no, but the doctors will" he assured

"Doctor do when"

"Soon" he promised "I swear it'll  be soon, okay" Aizawa hugged her close

"Okay" she mumbled, nuzzling into his warmth 

« ʚ♡ɞ »

"Tamaki what do you think, not too flashy" the blonde teen asked his friend as he examined himself in the mirror, contemplating whether wearing the white dress shirt was overkill or not

"M-Mirio I don't think she'll care about what you're wear-"

"Oh wait no, maybe a black shirt instead, I look like a waiter" the boy huffed, quickly unbuttoning his shirt, throwing it haphazardly in the direction of the bed where Tamaki sat 

"What about this one, better? Worse?" Mirio turned to the darker haired male, spinning around once to model the top

"I feel like you look too dark and m-monochrome" the shyer boy said truthfully, voice growing tiny on the last word

"Really?" he examined himself in the mirror

"Just wear a t-shirt, t-that's more like you" Tamaki tried, folding up the black shirt that Mirio discarded onto the bed next to the previous one

"T-shirt, are you sure? Isn't that too-" he trailed off as he stopped rummaging through his dresser, turning towards the boy on his bed "informal" 

"You are meeting like a 5 year old, not the queen" the teen tried to say monotonously, before finding himself with a small smile at his friend's childishness "Besides I don't think she'll care what you wear"

"But what if she does Tamaki, I can't make a bad impression" the blonde exclaimed, eyes filled with distress. His usual confident demeanor long replaced 

"I don't think it's possible for you to make a bad impression" he spoke, standing from his spot to hand Mirio the black and white button ups "you saved her life" Mirio took the shirts "and even if you didn't, I can't think of one person who wouldn't love you" Tamaki sighed, walking past his classmate to try and find a nice top

"Really?" the blonde asked, looking at the other boy desperately "I mean, what if she doesn't remember me and then I show up looking like a plain little peasant boy and she's all like 'who's this loser in the stupid t-shirt' and then-"

"Mirio" Tamaki raised his voice a little louder than his normal soft volume, causing the other male to quiet "Just put on this goddamn t-shirt, these jeans, and then go, okay" the boy shoved the clothing towards Togata, their personalities seemingly swapped in the moment, Mirio nervous and Tamaki confident. "I don't think she's some fashionista diva who's going to send you to exile, okay, so stop overthinking it" Tamaki gently cupped Mirio's face in his hands, squishing his cheeks between his palms "she's going to like you no matter what you wear"

"Promise" the blonde mumbled, lips puckered like a fish from being squeezed

"I promise Mirio " 


Happy Valentines Day!

Thank you all for reading I appreciate you all so much

I hope you all received some love from at least one person and if not please know I adore you all

Anyways drink some water and have a good morning/afternoon/evening/nightLove ya ❤
(February 14, 2024)

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