Childish Care

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"Den scary sharkie go ouch ouch ouch like bad wolf from book Lemillion read me," the child rambled quietly, tucked under the blankets as she lay next to Eri. Lights of the room switched off and blinds closed, window leading to the hall having a curtain covering its expanse.

"Bad wolf?" Eri questioned, resting comfortably as the smaller listed off her stories, filling her in on all the events that took place in her absence.

"Bad bad wolf," she whisper yelled, "he go huff an puff an blow pig house down."

"Bad wolf," the pale haired girl declared, nodding in agreement.

"I thought I said for you two to go to sleep," a sudden voice piped up from the doorway causing the children to jump.

"Aiwawa," she called, turning to face him in the door, frozen and suddenly she could feel Eri's hands grasp her sleep shirt tightly, pulling her farther from the door and closer to her own body.

"Sleep," he huffed, "or you won't have any energy to play tomorrow."

Hugging Eri back the girl pouted, "I no need enerny I alway can play." 




"Mmm," she whined, flipping away from the door to face Eri, "fine," and Aizawa couldn't help but try and stifle a laugh at this untoward attitude, had she gotten more rebellious because Eri was here he wondered.

"Goodnight then, sleep well, okay."

"Okay," he heard the younger hum.

"O-Okay," he could hear the older shyly stutter.

As he closed the door the smaller stared up at her elder, eyes filled with concern, "Eri okay?"

"I-" she gaped, mouth suddenly dry and she could feel her tired eyes burn with tears, "i-its just," wrapping her arms around Eri the (h/c) haired girl held her close.

"It okay," she tried to coax, trying to comfort, "Eri take time," her words a mimic of what she was once told by the ravenette.

"I'm scared," she confessed softly, as though it was a crime to utter such words.

"Why?" the girl asked, perplexed.

"L-Lots of people I don't know," the ruby eyed girl murmured sadly, feeling upset with herself that she felt such a way, ashamed that she could not trust the people who cared for her and her reason for living so lovingly and kindly, but then the reason she lived spoke up.

"It okay," she hummed, "when I see fi-fu-furst I scare too," the girl stumbled over her words, "but Aiwawa nice, he nice Eri too, you see soon, take time." 

"Take my time," she mumbled, wrapping her arms securely around the girl who hugged back in earnest, "mhm," the older hummed, pressing a gentle kiss to the other child's forehead, feeling her squirm in delight at the affection.

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