Chapter thirteen...

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Sarah's point of view...

I woke to the sounds of traffic coming from outside. I wasn't used to waking of my own accord but normally to the sound of an alarm clock telling me it was time to get ready for work.

I turned over but the other side of the bed was empty.

I got out of bed and decided to take a shower, before getting dressed. I decided on casual with a pair off jeans and a t shirt before going to find Louis.

He was sat on the sofa with a cup of tea. He looked at me and i could tell that he had been crying.

I raced over and threw myself onto his lap being careful not to spill his tea.

"Hey gorgeous", I said. "What's wrong?".

"You were having a nightmare and all you kept saying was I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lose you. I killed you".

I sat there stunned.

Louis looked me deep in my eyes and said, "when your mum talked to me, she said that you went through some hard times after your dad died. Is this to do with that?".

I nodded and started to cry.

I felt Louis arms wrap around me.

"You can tell me anything", he said.

I took a deep breath.

"At the time my dad died, I was dating someone from the army. Julian. We lived near a military base and I fell in love. He was everything to me. I found out I was pregnant and he proposed. We were so happy. Then he was posted to Afghanistan. He was only meant to be there for 6 months but I remember to this day, the call I got from his parents to tell me that he had been killed in action. The army didn't call me as I wasn't his next of kin. I went numb. After the funeral, I concentrated on the baby and work. I went to have a scan as the gp said that my blood pressure was really low and that was when they said that they couldn't find a heartbeat. Our baby had died. I lost Julian and the baby. After that, I guess I did go crazy".

Louis looked at me and me at him.

"I'm so sorry", he said after a long pause.

"It took me a long time to get myself together", I continued, "and I havn't really dated anyone till you. I think it was another reason I went into nursing. I felt that if I couldn't have my own child, I'd help everyone else's".

Louis took my face in his hands. "I'm here now", he whispered "and I'm not going anywhere. Your such a brave person and I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise".

We sat there on the sofa, wrapped up in each other until Harry entered the living room in just his boxer shorts.

"Harry", Louis shouted. "You could at least put some clothes on".

"Well, Sarah is a nurse and I'm sure she's seen naked men before", he laughed before going back, hopefully to his bedroom to get dressed.

We decided to go and see the sights of London.

"Where shall we start?", Louis asked.

"I've always wanted to see the London eye", I replied "and then Buckingham palace".

"Then my lady, that is what we'll do", Louis laughed.

We took a taxi and it stopped by the River Thames. I could see the London eye in the distance.

We walked there, hand in hand, stopping to take pictures.

Everything was perfect.

Louis stopped at a small souvenir shop and we bought each other silly gifts. Me giving Louis a baseball cap with London written on it and Louis giving me a teddy bear. We couldn't stop laughing but hey, I was the tourist here.

will you still love me???- a Louis Tomlinson fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now