Chapter twenty eight...

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sarah's point of view...

I let the door slam behind me as I walked into my flat. Louis cam running and saw me sat on the floor in the hall, crying.

I felt myself lifted from the floor and led to the sofa.

"what's happened?", Louis asked.

"I guess we should get some beer with that Chinese", I said "because I no longer work at the hospital. The boss thought it was for the best. They didn't want the publicity. But hey, they got me a card and a gift card", I laughed.

Louis sat beside me and pulled me into a hug.

"Remember this is the start of something wonderful", he said.

I couldn't help but look at Harry. I knew he didn't like our public displays.

"Right, let's crack the beer", Harry laughed and it wasn't long before we were all rather drunk. Harry and Louis sat there telling me funny stories about each other whilst we were eating the Chinese.

The next thing I knew I was waking up on the sofa. I found myself laid with my head on Louis lap. He was still asleep and Harry had fallen asleep in the armchair.

I needed the bathroom, so managed to get up and go without waking them. Or so I thought.

I came out of the bathroom and felt myself being gently pushed against the wall. It was dark and I couldn't see properly.

"Louis", I whispered.

"No", the voice replied before a pair of lips were pressed against mine.

"Harry", I murmured but Harry kept on trying to kiss me. Trying to earn a response from me. I didn't want to shout and wake Louis up as I didn't want to cause a rift and anger Louis. I put this down to Harry being drunk.

My mind was racing. Part of me was saying kiss him. Find out what it's like but the biggest part of me was saying push him away and that is what I did.

"Harry, please", I whispered.

Harry stared into my eyes.

"I wanted you to feel how much I need you", Harry whispered in reply.

"You'll regret this in the morning", I said.

Harry looked defeated. He stared right at me before saying "I will never kiss you again unless you ask me to".

With that he returned to the armchair and went back to sleep while I went and slept in my bed.

I woke up in the morning with the mother of all headaches. I staggered to the kitchen for water and ibuprofen, which I just about managed to swallow.

The boys were still asleep and I couldn't help but take a picture of each of them before posting them on twitter with the caption... The morning after... I couldn't help but laugh, which woke them up.

"What's occurring?", I laughed, imitating Nessa from Gavin and Stacey.

All I got was groans in reply and Harry remarking about making the pain go away.

I managed to cook breakfast for us all as I really couldn't cope with the mess and also because I don't think they were capable.

They managed to eat whereas I just about managed coffee, though I was thankful for the caffeine.

After I sobered up a little, I mentioned to Louis about heading back to London early. We agreed to go the next day so that left me one day to get packed.

Thankfully, I had the use of my car and the boot in Louis car so I didn't have to worry about shipping stuff up to London.

It didn't take me long, though it did dawn on Louis that I would be bringing Tiggr with me.

I tried to keep away from Harry that day. For the best I kept telling myself.

I still couldn't believe that Harry had tried to kiss me. He knew that he didn't stand a chance. I decided to let things go but his words kept going through my head. I wouldn't ask him to kiss me though.

We decided to go out to eat in the afternoon. This turned out to be hilarious as people knew that Louis and Harry were around. We eventually managed to eat and rush back to the flat without too much trouble.

"We should have brought Paul", Louis remarked.

I was still finding it hard to understand how much they had to plan any little trip. How fame had come with a cost. I know they adore their fans but it took away from their lives.

We decided to spend the rest of the evening watching films and no beer this time. Louis and I cuddled up on the sofa with Harry trying not to watch.

"You know, technically, your messing around on my bed" Harry giggled.

"Get a life" I jokingly replied.

"Get a room" Harry shouted.

"Not a bad idea" I replied, grabbing louis hand and leading him to the bedroom and Harry left with a pained expression and nothing to say.

Louis and I lay in my bed for the last time, talking about moving to London. He knew I was nervous but that all the guys would support me.

I was glad that I would also have female company in Perrie and Danielle as well as Paula coming to visit often. 

We fell asleep holding each other.

It felt strange to wake without an alarm clock. The sun was streaming through the window and I hadn't felt this refreshed in a long time.

I stepped into the shower and then felt around for my jeans and t shirt. I left louis in bed and started packing my stuff into my car. It wasn't long before I was done except for a few bits which could go in after.

I decided to take a short walk around Llantwit major for what may be the last time. All the places I had great memories of. My feet took me towards somewhere I hadn't been in a long time. St illtyd's church. I walked towards the all too familiar red stone.

Here lies Hugh Lawrence, born 26th January 1956, died August 21st 2012. Loving husband, father and friend.

My father's grave. I had always found it too painful to come here. Now I found myself brushing some leaves from around the stone and sitting on the ground. I told my dad about everything. I became engrossed until my phone rang. It was louis.

"Where are you?", he asked.

"Sorry, I didn't wake you", I replied. "I'm at St illtyd's church,visiting my dads grave before we leave".

"I saw the church yesterday", louis spoke, "give me a few minutes and I'll come and meet you".

"Thanks", I replied and it wasn't long before louis was stood at my side.

I introduced louis to my dad, as corny as it sounds.

Louis told my dad that he would take care of me and that he loves me.

I to,d my dad what had happened with work and that I was starting a new life in London. I knew that he would understand. He always wanted me to follow my dreams.

Louis and I walked back to my flat and I finished packing the car.

Harry had woken up by now and I started laughing when I told him that he couldn't have a coffee as I had packed the kettle.

Harry moaned about having to stop on the motorway for one and I kept laughing.

It wasn't long before everything was in the car, including Tiggr in his carrier and I handed the keys to my neighbour to give to the landlord.

The guys drove off and I followed, mentally saying goodbye to Llantwit major and hello to the start of a new, exciting and challenging life.

What lay ahead of me, I didn't and couldn't know, but bring it on, I thought.

The best part was that I had louis by my side to help guide me through it all.

will you still love me???- a Louis Tomlinson fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now