Chapter thirty six...

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Louis point of view...

I walked into the place that I had been told to go to. A restaurant of all places. The last thing I wanted to do was eat. 

There they were sat. Management.

And Sarah.

I ordered a beer and things soon began to get heated.

"I think you both know why we've asked you here today", they spoke. "We need your side of the story so we can release something to the press to keep everyone happy.

"I'll go first", I found myself saying.

"We went out after the Manchester gig and I got pretty drunk. I found myself on the dance floor and mistook a girl for sarah. We ended up kissing and sarah saw this happen. She ran off before I could talk to her. I lost it after that and ended up going home with her".

"With who?", management asked.

"The girl from the club. I swear it meant nothing. I can't even begin to say how sorry I am and how much I wish I could take it back", I pleaded.

"But we can't", sarah spoke.

"Yes, I ran off and I was pretty drunk as well. I called the first name that came up on my phone and that happened to be Harry. I told him that I wanted to get away so he checked us I to a hotel. I knew that he liked me. He's told me before but I let things go too far and yes, we ended up sleeping together. I regret every minute of it. It's eating me up inside".

"Well, this is a bit of a situation w heave here", and we've come up with a plan.

I cringed at the words. Their plans were never anything that I could live with.

"We're going to pretend that your still madly in love with each other and that this has all been blown out of proportion. Sarah, your going to say that nothing happened between you and Harry. Louis, your  going to keep quiet and all this will blow over. Be all over each other in public if you want this to work".

I looked over to sarah and she had begun  to cry.

"How can I do this?", she said. "I need time away from this. There's only two weeks left on the uk tour before we go to Europe. Can we just say I'm I'll and I've gone home to get better?".

"You can't leave me now", I said.

"Louis, I'm going to head back to London. To the house and I'll see where we go from there. If you want this to work, you'll understand".

I nodded. I couldn't let her go.

"If that's what you need, then ok but you'll join us in Europe to continue the tour?".

Sarah nodded.

Management looked at us both.

"We think this is a good idea. You two seem to have sorted this out yourselves. A very mature attitude we must say. Good for business".

"With all due respect", I said. "Fuck business. I'm doing this for us", I said staring straight at sarah.

Sarahs point of view...

This was for the best. Management could tell everyone that i wasn't feeling well and that I had gone home. They would say that I would be back on tour when things reached Europe. 

I headed back to the tour bus to pack my things and for the Spanish inquisition from the boys.

"I can't believe your going", Niall spoke.

"I will only be gone for two weeks", I replied. "Time for us to get our heads straight and see where this relationship is heading. I know we both still love each other but wounds take time to heal".

"I taught you well young student", Liam laughed before pulling me into a hug.

"You guys are like brothers to me", I confessed. "You won't keep me away for long and if Louis still wants this relationship, then we'll know when I get back".

Harry stepped forward.

"Can I talk to you in private?".

"Do you think that's wise?", I answered.

"Look. I didn't mean to do this. You can't help who you love and I know deep down you love me".

"Harry, I do love you but only as a friend. A brother like the other guys. Can't you see how much this is hurting me?. If you love me that much, let me go".

"I've heard that phrase before", Harry whispered.

"Then you know how it ends", I spoke.

"Yes. If you come back, that's when I'll know". 

"Exactly", I replied.

I packed my stuff and ordered a taxi to take me back to London. They had offered to drive but I knew they're schedule was busy.

With a final round of hugs, I walked over to the taxi and went to get in.

I saw someone running to me. Louis.

"Stop. Wait!".

Louis ran to me and took my hands.

"Please believe me when I say I have been an incompetent arse of the worst degree. I love you. I will always love you and I am here now asking for your forgiveness".

"Louis", I replied. "I should be asking for your forgiveness too. We both did stupid things. Too stupid to be exact. I'm heading back to London as we need this time to realise where we are".

"I need you", Louis whispered.

"I need you too, don't forget that" and with that I climbed into the taxi and left.

I turned to look through the window to see Louis on his knees crying.

What had I done?. I curled up on the back seat of the car and cried. 

I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I knew, I was being awoken.

I took my bags and walked into the house. Our house.

I locked the door and did the only things that came to mind. I climbed the stairs and climbed into bed. I wanted to sleep. I wanted it all to go away. Make the pain go away. Maybe, I'd wake up and find it was all a dream.

My phone buzzed with a new text message. It simply said "I love you. Come back to me".

I turned the phone off. I couldn't face things anymore.

I curled into a ball under the covers and slept.

will you still love me???- a Louis Tomlinson fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now