Chapter sixteen...

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Louis point of view...

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I reached over lazily and answered it.

"Hello, is this Mr Tomlinson?".

"Yes", I replied.

"I'm calling from the office of make your move estate agents. I hope this is a good time to talk?".

I sat up. "Yes, it's fine", I replied.

" I'm glad to inform you that your offer on the town house has been accepted", they continued. "We were told that this would be an immediate bank transfer, so if you would like to instruct your bank to transfer the funds, we can get you moved in within the week, once we have the surveys completed".

"Thankyou so much", I replied. "I'll call back when I have made the transfer".

With that I hung up the phone and woke Sarah to give her the good news.

"I got the house", I cheered.

"I'm so happy for you", I replied. "You deserve it".

"We have to go out and do something to celebrate but for the life of me I can't think what", I laughed.

We both got out of bed and got ourselves washed and dressed.

On going downstairs, Harry was just finishing a phone call.

"So it's tonight then. You guys sure move fast. I'll let Louis know and I'm sure that you can ring the other boys".

I looked inquisitively at Harry.

"That sounds like work", I said.

"You got it", Harry replied. "I knew we wouldn't have it plain sailing for 4 months", he laughed.

"So what have they got us doing now?", I asked.

"Management want us to do a concert tonight. Some charity do but they asked for use they want us to do a few numbers".

I cringed. "I guess if it's for charity", I answered.

Harry gave me the details and it seemed we had to be there at 6pm to be ready for 8pm.

"Well that still gives us the day together", I said to Sarah "and you can see us perform tonight".

Sarah's point of view...

A concert tonight. God, they didn't give them much notice but hey the price of fame, I guess.

I must admit, I was looking forward to seeing them perform. I hadn't been to a concert before. Guess it was something I hadn't gotten round to.

I decided to call Paula. Time to catch up. She answered quickly. Guess it's her day off.

"Hey you", she said. "Where have you been hiding the last couple of days. I've heard nothing from you. I've heard more from the news", she laughed.

"Sorry babe", I replied. "Things have been hectic but it's like a blur. Louis and I are dating and it's perfect".

"So what are you up to in London?", Paula asked.

"We went out for the day in London and then had a day house hunting. Louis has bought the most amazing townhouse in the centre of London. It's beautiful. We had a bit of a party last night and they've been asked to do a concert tonight. Some charity do. I guess it's my first official outing officially as Louis girlfriend. Hey, are you off at all?", I asked.

"Yeah, I've got 3 days off. Decided to chill out and..."

"No, get your butt up to London. You can get the train and be here for the concert. I'll introduce you to the boys. Pretty please?".

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