Chapter thirty two...

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I woke and soon remembered where I was. 

I couldn't hear any movement from the others, so after gathering some clothes together, I decided to go and take a shower before everyone else had the same idea.

It wasn't long before I felt refreshed and dressed ready for the day, I made my way to the kitchen and set to work to make breakfast.

I swear the smell of food must be like an alarm call to these guys as one by one, bodies started to wander through.

"Is that?", Louis asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Breakfast", Niall interrupted. "Louis, I'll marry Sarah if you don't want to".

"Niall, you just want to marry the food". I relied and Paula might have something to say about that. "Speaking of my best friend, how is she?".

"We spoke last night and I really miss her". 

"No PDA please", Zayn spoke as he walked through to the living area. "It's too early".

"Zayn, it's eleven o clock".

"As I said, it's too early", he replied.

After feeding the boys and trying to eat myself, we all got ready and headed over to the NEC for sound check.

I was introduced to the band and we all got settled in.

I'd never done anything like this and looking out to the seats from the stage was daunting.

I started to rehearse and it wasn't long before a lone figure walked onto the stage.

"simon", all the lads shouted. "Glad you could make it".

"Glad I could be here",  Simon replied. "Good to hear your in fine voice Sarah".

"I won't let you down", I replied.

"I hear you've written a new song. How's about I hear it?"

Louis looked at me.

"It for you", I whispered before heading out and the intro began.

You know our love is meant to be

The kind of love to last forever

And I want you here with me

From tonight until the end of time

You should know

Everywhere I go

Always on my mind

In my heart in my soul, baby

Your the meaning in my life

Your the inspiration

You bring feeling to my life

Your the inspiration

Wanna have you near me

I wanna have you here and say it

No one needs you more than I need you

And I know, yes I know that it's plain to see

So in love when we're together

Now I know, that I need you here with me

From tonight until the end of time

You should know 

Everywhere I go

Always on mind,my our in my heart, in my soul

Your the meaning in my life

Your the inspiration

You bring feeling to my life

Your the inspiration

Wanna have you near me

I wanna have you here and say it

No on needs you more than I need you.

It was like time had stood still for me. I hadn't realised where I was and who I was with. I had just sung and I loved it. Every moment of it.

I was soon enveloped in a hug by the guys.

"Omg!", Liam said. "Where did that come from. Did you write that?".

I nodded. 

"You seriously have to write for us", Liam continued.

"Uh ok", I stuttered before blushing and heading for some water.

The boys took the stage and got on with their sound check. They always sounded amazing to me.

I left them to it and started to wander around the arena.

"Hey". I kept walking.

"Hey", I heard again and turned around.

I came face to face with a total stranger. 

"I heard you sing and I had to say I think your awesome". 

"Thanks", I replied sounding like a complete and utter schoolgirl. I had never been thanked by a stranger before.

"I'm Sarah", I spoke reaching out to shake the strangers hand.

"I know", the stranger replied. "I've seen your name everywhere. Posters, billboards and the programme. I can't wait to hear you sing tonight if the warm up was anything to go by".

I laughed and got chatting to Richard, now that I had learnt his name.

We chatted about the roller coaster I had been on and how star struck I was at that moment.

"Well you can call me your first official fan", Richard laughed. "Now I want your autograph".

I scribbled a signature on a piece of paper and laughed.

"That was my first ever autograph"

"Well that's not something you get everyday", Richard laughed and with that sat on the floor of the corridor and chatted away.

It wasn't long before my phone was ringing and I saw that it was louis.

"Hey, where are you. We're heading out to get some food before we have to be back".

"I'm sat in the corridor talking to Richard"

"Richard, who's richard", louis replied.

"I just met him and he's looking forward to the concert tonight".

"Meet you at the bus in five", louis answered and hung up.

"Oops' I think i made someone a little angry", I laughed. "I need to go. Nice to have met you and enjoy tonight".

I ran off to the bus and sure enough, the boys were waiting for me.

"Who's richard then", Louis spoke.

"I just met him and he's a great guy. He says he likes my music and can't wait to hear me tonight. He even asked for my autograph".

Louis face took on a serious expression.

"Before you say anything", I anticipated, "he is a stranger and means nothing to me so you can go on with giving me a big hug, telling me how awesome I am and that you could just jump on me now".

Louis broke out in the biggest smile and laughed.

"I'm not jealous", he replied.

"Not even a little", I said laughing.

"Ok, maybe a little".

"Well just think to your self that I may get some fans but your the one that I come home to every night and jump on. I may even do that tonight. I've been thinking about christening the tour bus" and with that I sashayed onto the bus, emphasising a little wiggle as I went.

Louis started to blush .

"And on that note, let's eat", Zayn laughed.

"When I can pick myself up off the floor", Niall laughed, laying on the ground holding his sides.

will you still love me???- a Louis Tomlinson fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now