219 - Rebecca

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Larson Inn.

Horrific name, but a rather beautiful exterior. I could tell this was a place my family might have gone should it have a better reputation, and for a moment that just made me hate it some more.

It was all fakery, though, for the most part. Golden accents mixed with reds, shiny surfaces, what looked to be marble floors. The owners had looked at all the fancy buildings and taken the most generic expensive-looking items they could, hoping it could fool someone into believing this place was also a fancy hotel.

The gusts moving in and out of the doors were plentiful, but all seemed slightly hustly-bustly, like they had places to be despite the late hour. It didn't make much sense until you considered a vampire was a relative of the owner, so there was a chance some of the guests were vampires, too.

"Hey," I whispered, glancing at Colby in the dark room. "What are the chances that there are vamps in the rest of the hotel?"

He looked at me for a second, frowning, but didn't get to answer my question. Sam said, "There are, but none of them are with Julian. I did my research when Colby told us the hotel's name and it turns out this is a sort of sanctuary for vampires who need places to stay. Rooms are sound-proofed, blood is served, that sort of thing."

I raised my brows. "I didn't know that even existed."

"They're rare," Colby agreed, "but I've seen a couple before."

"Kinda cool," I admitted. "What do we do if one of them is willing to fight for Julian?"

"Warn them of the consequences and if they don't walk away, we deal with them." Colby shrugged, giving me a slight smile. "Nothing's gonna stop us from getting to that man tonight."

"We'll see," I mumbled. He reached over to squeeze my hand, making me feel better even with just the simple contact.

All of a sudden, Elton flew down from one of the neighbouring buildings, crashing through the window we'd left open for him. He rolled on the floor before bouncing up onto his feet, a light smile on his face. "'Sup, guys."

"'Sup," Kevin replied slowly. "Did you just break your neck?"

"It hurts," Elton confessed. He dramatically threw his head to the side, a loud crack echoing in our small, dark room, then put it straight and grinned. "Much better. Anyway, what's happening now?"

"We're waiting for a good moment to enter," Colby told him as if this exchange was totally normal. I, on the other hand, was watching him in disbelief.

Did he practically just dislocate and relocate his neck in the middle of this room? Because that's what it fucking looked like.

Mad man.

"Well," Elton started, "Elliott isn't home, Emily's sleeping and Julian's just gotten rid of a feed, so I'd say everyone's pretty attackable right about now."

Sam and Colby exchanged a short glance, then a nod, then Sam stood up and pulled a small group to the side, including Katrina. I looked at my boyfriend instead, who muttered, "We're gonna move in as soon as Katrina's been put somewhere safe."

"Where's she going?" I asked, realising she'd come with us when Sam was never going to let her fight. At what point in the meetings had we discussed this? I didn't remember it.

"We have a friend in this place, it's why we're camping here. She'll stay with her."

"Friend?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Colby gave me a look. "It's better if you don't really know much more than that."

My eyes narrowed. "Why?"

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now