252 - Rebecca

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Colby had pulled away easily, without so much as hesitation, and he'd looked brighter, more excited than he'd ever been in his life. Not emotionally, but it was something about the way his eyes danced as he stared at my wound as it healed. His mark was on me again, just like mine was now on him—for the first time, which I had to admit did feel good.

We didn't know enough about what we were for Mike and Sam to be comfortable with having us back at the house, despite over a week of my new existence, so they forced us to sleep at the studio while they contacted my father. They'd told him everything and that he needed to get his scientist friend to help out. Since I didn't want to argue with them, get mad, and prove their fears right, I just told them to leave us alone then come back when they had something useful. Colby was amused by everything, mostly because I thought he was on some kind of high.

After Sam and Mike had left, we'd talked about what happened and what was about to happen. He insisted again that this wasn't as big a deal as I thought it was, and that he'd still be able to find happiness with me. But all the excitement was traded for a shy look when I asked, "You said you were awake when I bit you, so why didn't you stop me?"

I'd waited for about a minute before he finally looked me in the eyes. He murmured something so quietly that I could barely hear it, and he knew that. So when he saw me still staring at him expectantly, he rolled his eyes and said, "I liked it."

I'd smirked. "You liked me biting you."

"Yes..." He trailed off, then started smirking as well. "You're so fucking hot as a vampire, you have no idea."

"Oh, I know I'm hot," I dismissed as I waved a hand at him. He smiled without looking away, and I ended up glancing upstairs. I knew no one was there, but I felt the need. "Wanna christen the couch?" I'd asked him.

He'd laughed, but I saw the excitement return to his eyes. "Flash me," he'd said. I raised my eyebrows. "Not like that," he laughed. "Although, if you want to..."

"What did you mean?" I interrupted.

"Your vamp face." I narrowed my eyes, but let my fangs drop from my gums. I couldn't feel any of the other changes, but I saw Colby's eyes trailing around my face as he lightly bit his lip. I retracted my fangs quickly so I could kiss him, and he didn't fight me off.

We christened the couch.

But the next evening, Sam returned without Mike and stood at the top of the stairs cautiously. I was laid under Colby's arm, wrapped up, wishing I could feel the same temperature mix as I did before, but only coming up with comfort. I supposed it was kind of warm.

"Your dad got in touch with his friend," Sam had explained. "His name's Moretti—or that's what he goes by, anyway. He said he's intrigued by the idea and will check out with some of his friends what the deal is, then he'll come back to us with the verdict. I brought clothes." He threw two piles of clothes over the railing, which had chains that clattered when they hit the floor.

"We aren't going to kill you, Sam," I'd scolded. "You can come down here."

He'd smiled at me. "Sounds like a trap."

"One I wish you'd fall into," I lied. Sam had chuckled, shook his head, and then promised to come back as soon as he had some results from Moretti. I gave Colby an annoyed look when he was gone, but the boy was practically still asleep. He clearly didn't care about our little confinement situation.

Sam never came back that night, but he did return the next night, as I was starting to get anxious about the party Jax and I were supposed to be having. If we were trapped here, they couldn't still continue as they were. Not with Sam's logic in that we weren't safe to be around anyone—again, despite my normality over the last week.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now