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"Mike!" I called when I saw him descending the stairs. He started to move faster but so did I, hurrying down the steps behind him.

"I'm not in the mood for you to argue with me, bitch," he snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "Then don't run away from me. I don't want to argue with you."

"Sure," he scoffed but stopped anyway, turning to me. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow in wait. "What?"

Sighing, I said, "Believe it or not, I want to apologise." His eyes widened and his arms fell slack at his sides—and someone dropped something in the kitchen. I ignored it all. "I know I'm a bit obsessed with this whole thing, but Julian's fucked my life up so badly that I'm fed up of having him lurk over me. I want to kill him before he can do me and my family—and friends—any more harm, so I was pushing you and the others. So I'm sorry."

Mike stared at me blankly for a couple of seconds as if he didn't know me, then he nodded and ran off. Literally. He ran. All I saw was a blur.

Before I could change my mind about my apology, Colby was at my side smiling at me. I glared at him, causing him to laugh instead. "You're so soft," he teased in my ear and I slapped his arm.

"Fuck off."

He laughed again. "You're only defensive because you know it's true." His arm slid around my waist and he tugged me against his body. "You barely even fought with me yesterday."

"Because you were being reasonable."

"For once?" He cocked his head to the side, then leaned down to kiss me. Before he could, someone shoved him, pushing my back against the staircase railing so I almost fell over it. Colby's other hand clamped on the railing beside me before he spun around to see who'd done it. I caught sight of Elton around him.

"Get a room," he playfully snarled, "or at least don't do this shit on the stairs. I got places to be."

Colby narrowed his eyes. "I don't like it when you get cocky, Elton."

"You told me to feed. This is what happens when I'm full." Elton, smirking, continued down the stairs at a human pace and Colby softly sighed next to me. I let myself smile, standing on my toes to kiss the corner of his mouth then continuing down the stairs, too. He hesitated before he joined me, his hand wrapped around mine.

A blur of blonde flashed by followed by a blur of black, red and purple hair—Jake and Tara. Colby didn't pick me up to zip me after them, though the slow pace was starting to annoy me since I knew everyone was in the red room and we could be discussing strategies by now.

By the time we entered, Sam had already started talking. "-be able to relax some with the training for now. I don't think we'll have to do much else, to be honest." Sam looked at Colby. "You said you have something important to say?"

Kevin shifted excitedly in his seat but his mouth was sealed. Colby sat down on his chair, pulling me down to sit on his lap. I crossed one leg over the other as I sat tall, proud of myself. It couldn't have been more wrong considering I felt like crap lately, but the illusion reminded everyone that I was still beside Colby at the top: I was in charge.

"Yeah," Colby finally said, "I do have something important to say." He shifted in his seat, simultaneously shuffling me to a more comfortable position. "Kevin and I have discovered Julian's lair and he's got Emily and Elliott with him. That was last night, so we don't know if they're permanently there or just for now. We didn't see him."

"And you did nothing? You found the place but did nothing?" Aryia asked in disbelief, almost glaring at Colby.

He cocked a brow. "No, I didn't do nothing. I checked the place out and came back. That's what's important right now. We don't have to storm his castle, we can strategise a bit first. But, it'll be helpful to have someone watching over him." Colby turned to Elton, who was already sitting up straight in wait. "Will you keep focused?"

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now