243 - Rebecca

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Take a little peek at Rebecca as a vampire 😉.

"Colby," I breathed.

I had not recognised him immediately—not even close. I had fought with him, gotten too close to him three times, and had only just recognised him at all. For a moment, I'd seen his blue eyes staring at me. But that hadn't reminded me of my boyfriend—who I forgot existed—it'd reminded me of a predator stronger than any other I'd met before. He posed a threat to me as far as I was concerned.

Now I saw my boyfriend, the man I was insanely in love with who'd finally given me something I'd wanted for so long. I was appreciative, filled with all of my love for him.

He was holding me to the floor with a knee to my chest and my arms pinned above my head, but that didn't stop me from trying to sit up. I wanted to hug him, to see how much more love I could feel if he had his arms around me. He was hesitant for a second but let me up to my feet with a swift motion. I didn't even process that I'd moved as fast as him, I just wrapped my arms around his neck and hid against his body.

He responded, wrapping me up in the tightest hug of our relationship. I felt something like relief washing through me and I didn't know if it was my own or his. The way he grasped at my shirt a little, though, I thought it might be his.

Our embrace, though tight, didn't last for long. With my eyes closed, I felt like I had when I was lying down just after I woke up. All of my attentions were focused on one sense: hearing—aside from touch, that was.

I could hear everything in the room. A heartbeat, the shift of lungs as multiple people breathed, the exhalation and inhalation, the churning of somebody's stomach. Most of the sounds were based on the people here, but I could also hear a mouse somewhere in the building scurrying around, and even a car passing by on the road outside. The further out I stretch my hearing, the more I could hear—unsurprisingly. Someone was in the car listening to music, possibly nodding their head with the way the fabric of their shirt was rustling. Or maybe it was their jacket.

I could also smell; the scent of Colby's clothes, the cologne of many different guys, the perfume of the girls, the dust in the room, the leather of the couch, even the metal of the stairs. The man driving by—another cologne scent—had been drinking coffee, or at least had a coffee cup in his car. It smelt rather disgusting, actually, aside from the caffeine. Beneath his cologne, he stunk, and it wasn't just of sweat, but of sex, too. The whole car seemed to smell like that, though there was no scent of a woman... just another cologne smell.

Then my nose picked up on something else, a distinct scent for every single person in the room that wasn't based on artificial sprays or soaps. It was like an aroma that surrounded each person, particularly one, which was stronger than any of the others. Even stronger than the man literally hanging onto me.

In a flash, my torso was pulled away from that man, and I was looking across the room to where the strong scent was coming from: a woman on the couch with brown and blonde hair and terrified eyes, one who was watching me with a familiar face. Around the terror were pretty hazel eyes I'd seen many times before, even in my bed.

But all I could think about as I looked at her was that she smelt so good. So, so good. Like how an expensive steak used to smell. My mouth was watering looking at her, and at the same time my throat weirdly felt dry.

I couldn't believe I was thinking this about Katrina. I scolded myself, looked up at Colby desperately. He was already watching me, careful, and snapped his head at the blonde man next to Katrina. For the first time ever, I heard him when he spoke too low for humans to hear.

"Sam, get Kat out of here." Sam did not hesitate to zip out of the room, an action that looked so much slower to me now than it ever had. I continued to stare at where he had once been. Red liquid had pooled on the couch and dripped on the floor; I wasn't stupid, I knew what it was and that I had caused it. But that didn't make it any less tempting to me. I wasn't above licking it off the damn leather.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now