220 - Rebecca

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"Rebecca, I suggest you save your friends the trouble and come on over here," Julian purred toward me. "I mean, you'd rather get hit with a delicious sense of euphoria before watching them all die, wouldn't you?"

"Go to hell," I snapped.

He laughed at me, his chest rising and falling with the sound. "I'll go when it's my time, don't you worry. For now, though, it's definitely those around you going to hell."

I looked past my friends at Elliott's army. "Oh, the Crows? Don't worry, there's a special place there for them, too."

"You're a smart one," Julian chuckled. "That must be what Colby sees in you. I can see it, why the stars think you're meant to be together. It's all wrong, though. All wrong."

"How so?" I challenged.

"Your family have always belonged to me. I don't see why this generation had to be any different." My brows started to furrow, but Julian let out another laugh instead of explaining. "I wish I could sit here and talk to you about your own bloodline's history, but don't you think we have so much better to do?"

Yeah, kill you. I kept this particular comment to myself.

Noticing my silence, Julian grinned and turned to Elliott. "Do you have anything else up your sleeve, my dear friend?"

"I do," Elliott admitted, "but it's a work in progress."

"I see. Let me know when it's ready." Julian turned back to us. "Get a hold of them."

"No!" Tara exclaimed, fighting out of the arms of a vampire trying to grab her. Jake started fighting him, too, but he was simply dragged away in the process. I was watching this whilst side-eyeing the vampire edging toward Colby.

They were afraid of him, didn't want to touch a guy they saw as more powerful—he probably was, only there were too many of them to make much of a difference. I thought they might be afraid of me, too, if they knew anything about what I was capable of.

"Boys," Julian teased, "he won't be able to win. Just grab him." The vampires looked at Colby, then at Julian, then toward Elliott for help. He motioned them with his hand, however, any movement they were going to make stopped when Colby moved at one of them.

He launched himself into him so hard that the vampire went flying through the wall, crashing through the hallway and out the building on the other side.

Now the vampires were all scared of him, after seeing what he'd done so easily—and carelessly. But Julian wasn't as he'd been around his tricks plenty of times before. "Colby, you're just going to make it harder for yourself."

"You're making a mistake, so we'll call it even," Colby snarled back.

Julian sighed, "Come on, you don't still have hope you can win, right?" My boyfriend silently looked at the hole in the wall leading to outside. "That's one vampire, we have over a dozen more."

No one responded to that.

There was a stare down happening between Colby and Julian, each of them daring the other to make a move. I took the moment to glance around at our group, most of which had been seized back when Julian first asked. I made eye contact with Sam, who, despite still being in my bad books, looked scared enough to make me mad.

That was Colby's best friend they were messing with. I couldn't allow something like this to happen, not when he meant so much to Colby.

But before I could even do something about my new-found determination, Elliott's phone buzzed, and he barely glanced at it with a soft sigh. Of relief.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now