223 - Rebecca

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My head had been hurting, that was all I remembered. I thought I might have talked, might have groaned or something. I didn't know, I just remembered snippets of seeing my favourite eyes in the world. For a moment, that was.

I'd thought I was dying. Actually, I'd been considering the possibility that, despite having vampire blood in my system, I might have died, but considering I felt very much alive and stiff right now, I doubted it.

Theory #2 was thinking I might've changed into a vampire—it was far from impossible and I didn't think I could've survived a fall that large. With vampire blood in my system, I was under no illusions of what could have happened should everything have gone wrong.

I realised now that no matter what, I would've either become a vampire or gone along with all of Julian's insanity.

And then I remembered I'd killed Julian.

For the first time since waking up, I had some form of movement. My stiff arms raised, feeling the constriction of something wrapped around me. I felt quite hot, too—the kind of hot that was only good if you had a fan and AC available.

As I pathetically pushed at the thing on top of me, I tried opening my eyes. It was rather difficult as every time I tried, I just found myself blinking for a couple of seconds then letting them close again. I'd only caught glimpses of a bright, beautiful sun. It looked orange like at sunrise or sunset.

Finally, I got my hands out from my seeming restraints and raised them directly to my face. With one hand, I blocked out the sun I thought might be shining on me. With the other, I pried open one of my eyes.

After some more blinking, I was able to see the room I lay in, which looked nothing like I thought it would.

I was on top of a huge, king-sized bed with white, thin sheets and a range of decor pillows and blankets thrown to the side. It sat on a sturdy wooden frame that appeared to be orange, swirling its way up to the roof above it. There weren't curtains on any of the four posts of the bed, but it looked like something someone might have done in the past or might want to do in the future.

Beside all the decor items on the floor was a couch pushed into the wall—white—with a couple of cushions of its own. It had the same orange hue to the framework, drawing my eyes to the bedside tables that were the same, too. A door—also the same colour—say just next to these, though it was closed and something told me would let me out of this room.

A rug was beneath the entire bed, making me wonder how someone could've put it there unless it'd been there longer than this had.

The floors were wooden, but a bit darker than the orange shade and possibly the darkest thing in the entire... wherever I was. In the entire room, certainly, if you ignored me in my black t-shirt and leggings, which was definitely not what I was wearing the last time I remembered anything. My hair wasn't completely down like this, either.

Looking to the foot of the bed, I saw a chest, like one of those you'd find in a video game that supposedly contained treasure or perks, and a few feet away from that pushed against the wall was a dresser with far too many drawers. Sitting on the top were photographs of what looked to be just two people, but I thought I'd check that out later.

I turned my attention, finally, toward the left side of the room.

There was a door left ajar some space away from the dresser, and as I peered inside, I realised it was a big closet. A huge closet.

The rest of the room was pretty empty, because a wall of windows took up the whole left-side wall. I could see now the sunrise or sunset I'd seen before and marvelled at the view beneath it. Greenery was everywhere, reaching from just below this very building to far into the distance before it broke off into water, though that was so far away I could hardly see it.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now