247 - Rebecca

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One week on blood bags was all I could handle. I wanted—no, needed real blood from real people. Stale blood wasn't enough to fill me and I was finding it more and more difficult just to stay in the same house as Katrina. So Colby finally agreed to take me out hunting... with one 'very important' rule: "Don't leave my side. The moment you run off, I'm dragging you back to the house. I don't care how much you try to fight me."

I had rolled my eyes. "I won't run off. Why would I run off?" Although I had known the scents of the LA streets would be intoxicating to me when I was this hungry. I'd go about trying to find every single scent that I caught, and there was a high chance I could go through the whole town before Colby could stop me.

At the time, though, I was thirsty and annoyed that I was being given rules like a teenager—and I was my old self, which everyone was thrilled about as I glared into Colby's eyes.

"Because you'll be able to smell any human who's unlucky enough to be out," he'd said sternly. "Unless you're down to kill someone..."


"Rebecca." Colby gave me a look that both made me hate him and turned me back into myself. I had crossed my arms to make it look like I was still annoyed, but really I had given up my fight. And I was still defeated even as I sat with Colby on top of a wall next to an open street.

There was a party down the road—some sort of low-key influencer was trying to build up their clientele to become bigger, but really all that'd happened so far was they had provided some booze and people had left them for the big influencers who were supposed to be their friends. It was quite sad to listen to the disappointed heartbeats of the host every time someone said, "Oh my god, is that..."

"I'm bored," I muttered to Colby. "There's nothing to do right now. I don't want to wait for someone to come out, that could take hours."

"It won't," Colby promised.

"You literally can't know that."

"I can. There are about six people who already plan on leaving, I can tell because they're downing the last free drinks they can get. There's also three people bored, two people prepared to take their many hammered friends home—which equates to about fifty people in total prepared to leave that party now or soon. Be patient."

I rolled my eyes. "Smart ass."

He smiled. "Experienced, I think you mean."

"No, I mean smart ass." I kissed his cheek then lay backward on the wall, so that my arms hung either side of me and my spine started to hurt. Or would have started to hurt, if I was human. "What do I need to do when someone passes?"

"First watch me," Colby replied swiftly. "What you did to Katrina, even in a crazed state, was incredibly amateur. You spilled half of it. I think I'll be able to help you if you watch, but you're going to have to hold back from joining me right away."

"Joining you?" I echoed as I sat back up.


"What do you mean, joining you?"

"Well, it's what the couples do. You should know that, Becks. You talk to them more than I do, even now."

I frowned. "I have no idea what you mean. Wait..." Images flashed in my head from one time when I talked to Tara and she told me—in disgustingly explicit detail—what it was like to feed with Jake. She had recalled how they fed on the same human at the same time, which was supposed to be super arousing. Then she'd moved onto what happened after but I didn't want to think about that when I was trying not to pounce on Colby so much.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now