201 - Tara

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"When's Rebecca coming over?" I whined as Devyn swiped eye shadow over my eyelid. I'd agreed, just this once, to let her do my makeup ready for the Gala tonight. I'd watched every move she'd made so far and been completely happy with it... not that I'd admitted it out loud.

"What do you mean?" Angela replied as she coerced Katrina toward the door.

"When's she coming over? I wanna see her all dressed up."

Angela rolled her eyes. "She isn't coming over."

"What?!" I exclaimed, almost pushing Devyn away. She slapped my hand and continued working, but the shocked expression on my face had yet to go back to normal.

"She isn't coming over," Angela repeated. "I don't even want to be here—Aryia's taking me to my parents' house in a minute. We're going separately from you all."

"And Colby okay'd that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, he did, because he can't control what Rebecca does. It was her idea, to go together, and it makes sense. Besides, that means we get to make a fun entrance on stage."

"On stage?!" I repeated in another exclaim. Angela looked like she wanted to punch me.

"Yes. You won't see either of us properly until after all the speeches. We're getting it all over with right away, then we'll come and meet you guys in the crowd. You know this, you could hear us planning it."

"Doesn't mean I knew I wouldn't get to see Rebecca until after!"

Angela sighed. "Are you done, Tara? I have to go and I'm only still here because some people haven't started to get ready yet."

I glanced through the door, but I couldn't see who she was talking about. It wasn't difficult, using my senses, to hear that Colby was still happily sleeping in bed while the rest of us were trying to get ready for an event way over our heads. Of course, there was no way Angela could know he was still sleeping—maybe she thought he'd just yet to come out.

After a few moments, Angela called for Aryia and they walked out. I looked up at Devyn, who was taking a break to examine which lip colour to give me. "Why do I have the feeling this is going to be funny?" I asked, listening to Angela's footsteps.

Devyn smiled and rolled her eyes at the same time. "It probably will be funny. Want to take a break and watch?"


Giggling, we both zipped out to the hallway to watch Angela knock on Colby's door. Jake was already there but he didn't notice me as he stared intensely at the scene playing out. I noticed Sam and Kat peeking out from their bedroom door, too.

When no one answered, Angela narrowed her eyes. "Do not tell me he's asleep," she grumbled, knocking again. Still no answer. "Aryia, is he asleep?" she asked sternly.

He answered with a grin. "I haven't heard anything but sheets rustling." She let out an incredible groan reminiscent of just about every time Rebecca had been mad, then opened the door for herself. I hurried closer to watch her storm inside; an unsuspecting Colby lying comfortably in bed looking like a young man rather than the big scary boss guy I used to know.

She continued to stomp across the room to him. His brows only furrowed before she reached out to snatch the blanket from over him, and she would have managed it, if he hadn't been a vampire.

"Woah," he said as he caught the blanket before it could get lower than his waist. His eyes were open and on Angela, who was crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

"Colby, come on! I can't leave until I know all of you are getting ready. I'm not ready yet! I have to be there before all of you losers. Get out of bed and start getting ready."

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now