234 - Rebecca

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"This is so sweet," Tara giggled as she sat cross-legged on my old apartment bedroom's floor, rocking side to side and staring at the ceiling.

To anyone who walked in, it'd look like she was possessed, and I wasn't entirely certain she wasn't.

"It isn't sweet, Tara," I muttered. I was distracted by my daunting task of sorting through all of the shit I had here, deciding what I wanted to keep and what I didn't.

"It is," she insisted. "If you'd have just told Colby we were doing this, maybe it wouldn't be so sweet. But because you haven't, you're surprising him... with the news that you'll be living with us! Forever!"

I cringed. "Oh, god, not forever."

"You already decided," Tara laughed. "Can't go back on that."

"I fucking can," I said as I threw a box of shit I didn't want at the floor beside Tara. She silently picked it up, disappeared, and reappeared on my bed without the box about a minute later.

One of my old neighbours had a pickup truck that, while they weren't home, we'd decided to borrow to take all of my unwanted stuff to a new home—with trash, most likely. I didn't care too much about reselling everything, not when we didn't have very long to do all of this.

"So, why didn't you tell him about this, if not to surprise him?" Tara questioned, laying back on my sheets.

"He's busy making arrangements with Sam all night, looking at the future of our clan and everything. I figured he could do with the break. If I told him what we're doing, he'd just want to help."

"Makes sense," Tara playfully kicked me with her thick boots," but you're still surprising him. You know that, deep down."

I rolled my eyes. "I do know that, Tara. It just isn't my first reason for doing this without him knowing."

"Things are all good with you guys, right?" she asked, a nervous tone to her voice.

"Of course."

"You're sure? I don't want you guys to go through another rough patch. Ever. You seemed so happy when you came back from your little vacation or whatever. I just..." Tara shrugged, "want things to stay as they are."

"They probably will," I said, "but I can't guarantee that. We're still changing, still have little spurts of anger we have to control. If one time we don't control it..." I slowly shrugged, letting Tara fill in the blanks.

"But you're pretty much good?"

I nodded. "Pretty much. You don't go through the shit we've been through and let little things piss you off." My hands scrunched an old t-shirt I hadn't worn for years in my hand, the colour reminding me of one time with my sister. I stared at it as I said, "I'll admit, it's strange how far we've come from that first day."

"At the gas station?"

"No," I smiled, "I mean the first day we actually interacted at all."

"Wasn't that the party? Where you literally kissed him?" I just nodded. "I mean, that isn't so different to what happens now."

I put the t-shirt I was still holding into my keep pile, making a mental note to put it on sometime soon—if it even fit. "I was very different, and so was Colby. I'm not talking about how we are together."

"Oh, right." Tara shrugged. "You know, we never would've gotten here if you didn't have that attitude. You wouldn't have caught my attention if you were just some ordinary woman."

"I don't see why that attitude did attract you," I muttered, chucking a second filled box at Tara. This time, she caught it as she sat upright in a blur.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now