222 - Colby

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The room was deadly silent. Even Elliott's vampires appeared to be shocked by what'd just went down, whether that was because of Julian dying or Rebecca's descent.

With all the rage in the world flying through my hands, I ran at the closest vampire holding Sam and literally ripped his arm off. He let out a deafening groan as Sam fell to the floor off-balance, only to shoot upright and run toward Hayley.

She dropped Katrina without a word, darting through the hole in the wall like the coward she was. I decided I would deal with her—and Emily—another time.

After snapping the neck of the vampire who'd been holding Sam, I turned toward Elliott, who was slowly backing away from me with his hands held up. I heard the glass crunching under his feet, which was a miracle considering all I could actually see was red.

"C-Colby," Elliott managed out. "Don't do this. I had nothing-"

"You had everything to do with this!" I roared. "These vamps are yours. Julian was technically yours. As he'd fucking dead, you're next in line." My feet carried me across the room and I pinned him to the wall. "Goodbye friend," I finished, then drove a stake from my pocket through his heart.

Unlike the others, he didn't scream out or groan, but rather he whimpered and gave into the pain of the stake. I let go of him, not caring whether he hit the floor hard or if he managed to catch himself, and I spun to the other vampires.

They weren't holding my friends anymore.

"Let us go," one of them pleaded, her eyes wide. I noticed that they were brown, reminding me of the girl lying on the concrete outside. And I just got angrier.

"Rip them apart," I snarled to my friends, and all of a sudden it was the strong vampires running for their lives.

I oversaw it all, watching my well-trained warriors defeating strong, powerful vamps who were even fighting for their lives. The adrenaline couldn't save them now, not when everybody had seen what happened to Rebecca.

When there were only a few left, Tara zipped up to me, eyes frightened like the other vamps', but for a different reason.

"I-Is Rebecca dead?" she gasped out.

I didn't answer.

"Colby, fucking answer me. Did she die? Hit the sidewalk?"

Still nothing.

"Colby! She had vampire blood in her, though. Does that mean she's-"

"Enough, Tara," I snapped, bringing an end to her questions. "Rebecca is not dead."

"But how-" Before Tara could finish, one of the enemy vampires ran for the broken window, only to stop in his tracks when he came face to face with a familiar face; a woman standing with her hands on her hips.

"Nuh-uh," she said, smiling. "I never liked you, Todd. You were always a real pain in the ass."

"Danielle, what are you doing here?" "Todd" replied, as if he'd forgotten that he was in a room full of his dead peers and killer vampires out for blood.

"I'm backup," Danielle told him cheerfully. "Well, we are backup."

Either side of Danielle, a vampire leaped up from outside, landing in a formation. One of them was a man and the other was another woman, each with smirks on their faces. Todd clearly didn't recognise either of them.

As the last of the bunch, a final vampire jumped up, this one carrying a woman with curly brown hair who was completely limp. This face, I definitely knew, as he had a punchable face I'd wished to punch many times now.

Bad Taste (Part II) // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now