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"Eleanor, you're turning 24 in a matter of months. I want to see you settled. Enough of this travelling," my father said.

"Papà, you said it. I'm turning 24. Meaning i am still very young to be thinking about marriage. Besides, I'm still not done seeing the world," I explained.

"Ellie, you have been travelling for the past 3 years since you have graduated from college. Haven't you seen enough of the world? Besides you can do all that with a husband beside you."

"But papà I'm just not interested in any man..."

"Ah...very well. I will introduce you to a few eligible men who I think will be perfect for you..."

"I'm not interested in that kind of commitment, papà," I said in exasperation.

"Ellie, all I'm going to do is introduce you, and then you can choose..."

"This is ridiculous!" I exclaimed, standing up. "I will not let you pawn me to a bunch of egotistical men. Does mamma know about what you are doing?"

The look on his face tells me all I need to know.

I smirked. "Papa, if you don't stop this, I will tell mamma, and she will not be very happy with you," I said smugly.

He scowled. "Fine. But this conversation is not finished Ellie."

I smiled triumphantly.

I walk around his desk and bent down to kiss him on his cheek.

He exhaled loudly. "You are much like your mamma," he muttered.

"Intelligent, beautiful, and sweet?" I asked sweetly.

He chuckled. "Intelligent, beautiful, and stubborn."

I laughed. "I love you Papà, but seriously. Enough of this nonsense about me getting married okay? When I meet the man of my dreams then I'll think about it."

"For now figlia, I will let it go."

"I'll take it," I said and grinned.


Seriously? My goodness, I'm not even 24 yet, and he's talking about marriage? I love my father, but he can be so bossy and domineering...

"Ellie, it's a beautiful day. Why the frown, mia figlia?" My mother asked, as I sat down on the chair.

For a second I though about telling my mother, but then I wouldn't be able to use the fact that she doesn't know against my father anymore. So instead, I pasted a smile on my face, and said, "oh nothing mamma. I'm just going to miss this place, once I leave tomorrow."

"This is your home Ellie. You can come and go as you please. Although I like the coming part much better."

I laughed. "I know, mamma, but, I just want to see the world before I settle down and find a place to call home. I've been thinking about visiting Massimo some time soon, maybe. I'm thinking that maybe I'd like to maybe move down there for good..." I trailed off. This is the first time I've said it to my mom and she looks surprise.

She sighed. "Sometimes I forget that you are no longer a little girl. Ellie, I love you and all I want for all my children is to be happy. As long as you are happy, figlia, then I will support your decision. If you do decide to settle in LA, then I will much better knowing that your brother is there to watch over you," she said. "hover over you I mean," she corrected with a teasing wink, causing me to laugh.

My mother is so right. My older brother, Massimo will definitely hover over me. But I don't mind, it's not like his antics will work on me. Besides I miss him terribly.

I've talked about this with our other sister, Zarah. She's the youngest at 21. I asked her to come along with me, since she recently just graduated from college as well. She said she'll think about it. Right now, she's too busy with charity work, to think about it.

Out of all of us, she's the quiet and shy one. But she's got such a big heart. She's sweet and caring. Far too trusting. Sometimes I worry about her. She's far too innocent and too trusting, that others have tried to take advantage of her.

I just hope that our father doesn't move on to her and bug her about talks of marriage too! She's far too young, and God bless her heart, I know she won't have it in her to say no to our father.

I've got to come up with something that will stop my father's antics, before he marries me off, or worse - before he marries off my sister!

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