Chapter 12

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I could tell that Ellie was seething with anger. She's looking out the window with a scowl on her face, and her arms across end her chest.

"Ellie, don't entertain Demetri. He's not right for you," I said.

She turned towards me and glared at me. "I'll entertain who ever I want," she bit out.

"Like hell you will!"

"I like him. He was nice to me and his quite handsome. I think I'll take him up on his offer."

"Ellie I am telling you he is not right for you. You don't know him like I do. He's got quite a reputation."

"Oh? Worse than the Golden Trio?" She retorted sarcastically. "Because I doubt that."

"Keep in mind when you insult the Golden Trio you're insulting your brother too."

"My brother was part of the golden trio. I am merely stating facts. He knows how we was before Cassie. He's a changed man. But I stand corrected. I should have said Golden Duo!" She hissed.

"Ellie, Demetri may seem charming to you, but trust me. He is not a good man."

She snorted. "If he isn't a good man, then why did you come to his welcome home party?"

"Because I'm trying to establish connection. The Maretti's have something I'm interested in."

"So you have a hidden agenda. He has something you want that's why you are socializing yourself with them. I guess I was right after all. Everything you do is for yourself and your benefit alone."

"Ellie you don't know what you are talking about!"

"Whatever Marco. Whatever you have against them, I want no part of it. You stay the hell out of my business and I'll stay the hell out of yours."


"Don't Marco! I don't want to dance to your tune. I don't understand you and quite frankly I don't want to. I know that you are friend's with my brother and I will obviously see you from time to time, but let's keep it that way. From my experienced you do pretty well avoiding me. Stick to it," she bit out. "Thank you for the ride," she said before she quickly climbed out of the limo.


Fine. I was jealous when I saw her with Maretti. But hell the guy is a dirty bastard.


"Back to the L'Hotel Royal."


I grab my phone from the end table. "This better be good Anastasi!"

He chuckled. "You're still in Sicily right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well how do you feel about extending your stay for another week?"

"Again. Why?"

"Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Marco?"

"Shut up. Is there a point to this call?"

He laughed. "Ara finally agreed to marry me."

"That's old news. You told us that over a month ago..."

"Yes I know, but I didn't propose to her properly and this time I did. With the whole hearts and flowers kind of thing. Anyways. We decided to get married at the estate, next Friday."

"Holy shit. You serious?"

"Yeah, man. I don't want to wait."

"That's great Mass. I'm really happy for you guys. And of course I'll stay."

"Thanks. Oh by the way, I want you to be my best man, along with Jason."

"Aww, you're gonna make me cry Mass."


I laughed. "Just messing with you man. No but seriously, it would be my pleasure."

"Ok good. I'm going to call Jason next. I just called my family so everything is set."

"Alright great. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well actually a suite for our guests at the L'Hotel Royal would be great."

"Done," I said.

"Anything else?"

"Actually yes. Look, I heard about Demetri showing interest in my sister," Mass started and I bit back my groan.

"Yeah, I know I was there."

"Anyways, I heard his bad news. So watch my sister for me. I heard she's thinking about going out with me."

"Where in the hell did you hear that?"

"I have eyes everywhere man. Anyways since you're there watch out for her. I already called her and warned her about him. She got pissed off of course. Says I'm being obnoxious and something about how you and I are such jerks trying to dictate to her. So I'm guessing you already warned her off Maretti?"

"Yes. Yes I did."

"Good. I appreciate you looking out for my sister."

"No need to thank me. The guy is a slime ball."

"Yes right. I also talked to my dad, and he's on the same page now he said he didn't know. I'm not surprised though, since Leandros Maretti doesn't know himself."

"That or he doesn't give a shit and is turning a blind eye."

"True. I've heard they're having trouble with money."

"Yeah heard that too. That's why I was surprised that Leandros was able to throw such an extravagant party."

"I'm sure it was for show," Massimo said.

"Yeah well whatever it was for I don't care. I was able to meet people who will help me with I need. Maretti has something I want, and I won't stop till I get it."

"Yeah, I know man. I'm here to help. Anyways, I gotta go sorry I disturbed your beauty sleep," Massimo chuckled.

"Yeah whatever."

"See you soon."


"Remember what I said. Ellie is stubborn and I'm sure she's up to something just to prove her point that I can't dictate to her, so keep your eyes open man."

"Yeah don't worry."

If Ellie thinks he's going out with that bastard then she's got another thing coming.

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