Chapter 26

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"Don't break my heart, Marco."

Her words continue to ring in my head. Guilt tore me up inside. She'll never forgive me when she finds out why I'm doing all of this. But she has to know. I care about her. I would never deliberately her her. This is just something that I have to do for my family.

She'll understand. Once we're married I'll tell her the truth and she'll understand and she'll forgive me. Then once I have MI in my hands, we can divorce and we both can go back to our lives.

She'll understand.

That's what I repeatedly told myself, as I held Ellie next to me.

She snuggles closer.

She'll understand, I told myself again for the umpteenth time.

She'll forgive me, I said I myself. But I can't help but feel this nagging ache in my guy. Somehow it's telling me, that this will not end well. Not at all.

I push those thoughts away and focus on what's important.

Get Ellie. Then get MI.



"I think I should go home," she said.

I smiled. "Alright. Let's get you home princess," I said.

The drive to her place was quiet. I had my driver drive us home. I don't know why, but it felt good having Ellie in my arms. I wanted to hold hot longer, so I had Greg drive us.

She's snuggled tight next to me. I could feel her smile against my chest. I was smiling too.

The drive seemed so short. Before I know it, the car stopped and park outside her apartment building.

"We're here, princess."

She straightened and smiled at me.

I helped her out of the car and walked her up her apartment.

"You don't have to see me up," she started to say but I shook my head.

"This is our first date. What kind of a date will I be if I didn't walk you up?"

She smiled and nodded.

When we reached her door she turned around to face me.

"Marco, look if you changed your mind about us then I understand, you don't..."

I frowned and cupped her face and silenced her with a kiss.

"Tesoro, there is no way I'm changing my mind. I'm not going anywhere," I said.

I kissed her again. She smiled against my mouth.

I groan. "You better go inside, princess. If not, we're going to be putting on a show for your neighbours to see," I groaned.

She giggled.

"Goodnight princess. I had fun. I'll call in the morning okay?"

She nodded. She unlocked her door and stepped inside. But before she shit the door, she gave me a sexy smile.

"I had a great time too," she said.

I smiled at her.

"Goodnight," she said before she closed the door.


I leaned against the door. Trying to slow the fast beating of my heart.

I just had the best date of my life.

Just One Hello (Book 2 in the Just Series)Where stories live. Discover now