Chapter 38

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"I couldn't sleep last night. The guilt was killing me," I said to Jason.

"Tell her the truth. Don't take the deal," he said.


"But what? Marco, your father became so obsessed with revenge that he lost your mother, you, and your sister. For what? He got Castellanos Enterprises back up on its feet. He had a family that loves him. It should have been enough. Marco is it really worth it? Do you really think that Leandros Maretti is worth losing Ellie over?"

Jason was right. There is no point in doing this. I cannot let Leandros win. If I accept Dominic's deal, Leandros win. I will lose Ellie. He will succeed in taking everything from me. He lost everything. I also just found that his son, Demetri is dead. He was killed while drunk driving. He got off easy for what he did to my sister, but I'm glad he won't be able to do it anymore to other women. He should rot in hell.

"Marco, Demetri is dead. Leandros is bankrupt. He has nothing left. His wife left him. Let it go. Live your life. Be happy with Ellie. You already won. You have something he will never have. Love and happiness."

"I don't know why I've been so blind and stubborn. You are right. I can't lose Ellie. I don't want too lose her. But it might already be too late. She's going to hate me."

"She'll be upset at first. But it's the right thing to do. You have to tell her the truth before you marry her. How do you think she'll feel when she finds out after you get married? She's going to think that you married her because of the deal you made with her father. She loves you Marco. She'll forgive you. Grovel and beg if you have to. You're Marco Castellanos and you never lose. You never give up."

"You're right," I said. "I know what I have to do.


"Get Dominic Anastasi on the line for me," I told my secretary as I head to my office.

A few moments later, my intercom buzzes.

"He's on line one sir."

"Thank you."

"Hello," I said.

"Marco, what a surprise. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Zio, I changed my mind. I don't want MI."

"Oh... But I thought you and Ellie are getting married, she..."

"We are. But not because you offered me a deal. I want to marry Ellie because I love her. I don't want MI. The deal is off."

I heard him sigh. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear those words Marco."

I sat up in surprise. "You are?"

"Yes. A father only wants the best for his children. I will still give you MI..." He started to stay but I cut him off.

"No, Zio. I don't want it. I want nothing to do with it. I have everything I need," I said.

"Very well, son. I accept your decision."

"Thank you. Zio, I'm going to tell her the truth. I can't continue lying to her. I just wanted to let you know. She deserves to know the truth," I said.

I heard him sigh on the other line. "You are a good man, Marco. And you are right. I know my daughter, she will be upset and it may take her sometime to forgive us, but you are right. She needs to know."

"I won't give up on her. I won't stop until she forgives me."

"You really love her..."

"I do. From the very moment I laid eyes on her," I said.

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