2. Be involved

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Dylan's POV

Wes' office is in the production buliding, which is only five minutes away from the hotel. I find myself dreading the talk with him. Unfortunately, the silence that's fallen between me and Thomas is crushing and I find myself letting out a breath I hadn't even noticed I'd been holding when Thomas knocks on the wooden door. I fiddle with a loose thread on my shirt (when I'm nervous it always seems to find its way to between my fingers) as a voice coming from the other side of the door calls, "Yes?"

We open the door and enter the room to find Wes sitting behind a desk, a polite smile plastered on his lips. When he sees us it becomes more of a grin that seems to reach his onyx eyes.

"Dylan, Thomas! What brings you here?" He rises and makes his way around to shake our hands. Then he leans against the desk and crosses his arms, still grinning.

He's always cheery, nice to everyone and generally a really humorous guy. Even if we make ninety nine outtakes he'll still laugh at them. That makes him a very likable person and one of the best directors I've ever worked with.

"Um... It's about the script--" Thomas commences, but Wes interjects almost immediately.

"Ah, of course! It's about the kiss, isn't it?" He urges, as if reading our minds.

"Y-Yes." I reply, improvising as I continue. "We were just wondering when and why. You know, that kind of stuff."

Wes looks surprised, his eyes flickering between me and Thomas. He knows we already know everything I just said we wanted to know. What I don't know is why we are making this such a big deal.

"It's in the script, you can read it there. I think it's scene... Four? Is it? I can't remember, sorry. Anyways, we felt like there was just a bunch of boys with these deep emotional connections, yet none of them falls in love. Therefore we concluded a little side love story that represents the LGBT-community couldn't hurt, right? Newt and Thomas seemed to have such strong bond already. They are both important characters, which effectively makes it easier to intertwine the love story along with all the other stuff going on so that the audience can follow everything. We discussed it with James and he's agreed to it. I guess it's up to you two now. Is it alright for you guys to... Be involved with each other like this?" He asks and Thomas gives me a nonchalant look and I nod and his gaze returns to Wes.

"Well, I'm just going to ask my girlfriend if it's okay. Maybe I should do it now or I'll probably forget it," He chuckles and I admire his insouciant responce to this. I, on the other hand...

"Dylan, you should ask Britt too. See you later." He suggests and heads out of the office. I decide to follow him, but we haven't gone too far when we hear Wes shout something kind of weird after us,

"Oh, and don't forget! Hang out with each other, maybe grab a coffee or something so that it doesn't seem so superficial. Do practice the script as well and especially that scene!"


I'm hanging out with Kaya in a coffee shop that's not too far away from the hotel and I just told her what happened in Wes' office over two latte's.

"Oh my God, that's awesome!" She squeals and beams at me. She's sitting opposite me with her legs crossed and hands cupped around the coffee. I notice her nails and pantsuit are as blue as her twinkling eyes.

"What, why?" I blurt, confused. How is that awesome? She takes a sip of her coffee before replying,

"Because one, you guys would be so cute together. Two, there's something going on between you guys, I'm sure."

I bury my face in my hands when she winks. "Kaya!"

"What?" She giggles and gestures at me. "Just look at you now, you're probably blushing! It's true and you know it."

"Kaya, both of us have girlfriends that we love. We've only worked with each other a few months and regardless we're nothing more than friends! I can't even imagine why you would think anything else." I ramble and remove my head from my hands, hoping she's not heard the desperation and doubt in my tone.

"You sure?" She winks but I just roll my eyes. To be honest... No, I'm not sure. None of the things I just stated were true. We have worked with each other for almost a year, I don't know if we're friends or more and it's just Thomas who has a girlfriend. Mine broke up with me yesterday.



Yep, sorry Dylan :( But now he's free ;);););)

Raise your hand if you're Kaya

*raises hand*

(Edit: Also I just now want to add that this is a bit about consent. Consent is very important in everything and should always be respected. Never do something you or someone else don't want to do!)

Nevertheless, see you in the next chapter!💞

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