K so _fandoms_xo tagged me to do this (thanks) so here we go..! (I'm sorry if you thought this was a chapter it's not)
1) You must post all the rules. (Like this)
2) You must tag 13 people
3) You must post 13 facts about yourself
4) You must answer the 13 questions
5) You can't say 'I don't do tags'
6) You must finish in a week or the creator has full power to remind you
7) Be creative with the title
(My 'Final chapter' title is v creative ok)
-Facts about me
1) I don't do tags
2) Or well, I guess I do lol
3) My name's Bella
4) I'm 13 years young
5) I have v short hair
6) I'm from Greece (so that's why my English isn't the best heh)
7) I play piano and violin
8) I have tried archery and fencing so don't mess with me
9) I really like to eat frozen peas (is that weird? Probably)
10) Bands r gr8 (tøp, p!atd, gd, coldplay, fob, The Beatles etc.)
11) Ok so this may sound weird but I have 33 (I literally counted) story's saved as drafts here on Wattpad (oh god)
12) I don't understand why anyone would want to know this kind of stuff about me but ok???
13) I'm so sorry I haven't updated but I'm rly stressed out rn (tøp)
Questions for me
1) Where are you from?
Greece yay2) Celebrity crush?
Idk... Maybe Dan and Phil??3) Who are your OTP?
Dylmas ( obviously) and Phan4) Dream job?
Idk maybe writer or painter or astrophysicist?5) Fave TV shows?
Ok prepare yourself,
Doctor Who, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, American Horror Story, Teen Wolf, The 100 and Bones6) What's your life motto?
Don't die????7) Fave artist?
Do you mean like single music artists? Because then it's DECLAN MCKENNA, Troye Sivan and Lana Del Reyyyy8) Number one person you hate in this universe?
Donald Trump lol9) What's your guilty pleasure?
Idk?? Staying up way too late on school nights and chat with people from other countries with different time zones10) If you could live the life of one celebrity for one day, who would it be and why?
I would life the life of Dan Howell because then I'd get to see the sun all day (even if it's raining outside)11) Where do you wanna live when you're older?
In London12) Favourite song atm?
I'd say Icarus by Bastille or Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots13) Tronnor or Troyler (if you know them)?
TroooylerMy questions
1) How old are you?
2) If you'd write a new story, what would it be about?
3) Movies or books?
4) Favourite book/s?
5) Favourite movie/s?
6) Where would you rather be atm?
7) What phone do you have?
8) What's your favourite school subjects?
9) Worst school subjects?
10) What zodiac sign are you?
11) If you got 1000$ what would you spend them on?
12) Your worst nightmare?
13) Favourite colour/s?I tag
Mikaela_isakssonYou're welcome and I gtg now bc class is starting so bye cya soon!

Wrong ~ Dylmas/Newtmas
Fanfiction"I just read a... thing in the script, and I think you should take a look at it." ♡