heyyy so ur bitch is back ayye
ok so quick heads up: this will be emotional and generally happy BUT there's a plausible trigger in the middle of the chapter (tw: homphobia) so i'll just put ☡ in the beginning and end of it to be safe. i might put a recap in the a/n so yeah look for that. i wrote it because i think it's important to emphazise that there are still ignorant people out there and if you meet one, please do lecture them (if it's safe). unfortunately, being in a same-sex relationship isn't always all sunshine and rainbows (ha), although it can be, but the little thingy i wrote was inspired by an article i saw the other day (it was from like 1-2 years ago) and i can't recall its name but it really infuriated me. anywayssss, please enjoy this (unnecessarliy long and CRAZY CHEESY) chapter !! (also if u find any mistakes along this then please don't hesitate to point them out !!)Dylan's POV
I wake up from a dreamless sleep to Thomas, a fully grown man, bouncing up and down on my bed.
"What the hell..." I mumble as I groggily rub my eyes. Thomas drops down on the bed and shines like the star of a Christmas tree at me.
"Guess what?" He asks with radiating excitement and I can't help but smile slightly at the cute sight.
"What?" I reply as I'm too befuddled to actually guess.
"It's snowing!"
My eyes widen and I sit up straight. I suddenly feel very awake. "No way."
Thomas jumps off my bed and grabs my hands to pull me up. "Way, just look!"
He tries to drag me out of bed while I'm still wrapped in the duvet, which makes me trip and knock both of us over. I end up on top of him, still tangled in the duvet. We both giggle hysterically and I peck his alluring lips.
"Good morning."
When I'm finally untangled it turns out Thomas wasn't joking just to get my lazy ass out of bed. It's actually snowing outside, the minuscule snowflakes being torn in different directions by confused winds. They drift in the chilly breeze in total disharmony before gracefully landing on the windowsill of our apartment. I observe as some of the playful twinkles swirl by the window and down to the ground. Just like the people in their own separate worlds consisting of Christmas rush and holiday wishes down there, they all have unique patterns and shapes. One's bigger than the other, another more complicated and some fall faster than other's - but their structures are all so complex and never the same. As I sit leaning against the window, deep in thought, someone sneaks up behind me and wraps their arms around me.
"You know what I've been thinking about?" Thomas announces, and I can feel his jaw move on top of my head where he's resting his own.
"Next year it's been three years since we finished the last movie."
I turn around and gape at Thomas. I can't believe the statement. "No way, it feels like yesterday!"
"I know. But do you know what that also means?" Thomas smiles smugly at me and I think for second before replying,
"That we have the worst perception of time ever."
Thomas laughs and nods.
"Well, yes. Not just that, though. It'll be four years, six months and two days since we shared our first kiss!" Thomas beams at me, his enchanting brown eyes twinkling brighter than all the Christmas lights and his smile bigger than a kid who received just the gift that they wished for. His wild hair that he'd let grow out a bit is a sublime mess since he hasn't done anything to control it and I really do love it. It's the first time I've looked thoroughly at him today and as always he's so dazzling I'm left breathless for a second. Then, when his smile fades a bit, I suddenly remember to acknowledge his tremendous announcement and snap out of my daily Wow-Thomas-is-so-beautiful-trance.

Wrong ~ Dylmas/Newtmas
Fanfiction"I just read a... thing in the script, and I think you should take a look at it." ♡