48. And he's back

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Dylan's POV

First everything's cold. Then it's wet. Then I feel confused. I gasp and open my eyes.

"Finally!" Someone sighs. I'm still confused, and I can't really tell who it is since I have water in my eyes. "I've been trying to wake you up for at least ten minutes."

Now, due to the oh-so-familiar voice, I know who it is. My heart skips a beat.

"Thomas?" I ask and blink away the water, only to find that I'm correct.

"Who else would be able to make you that wet?" He winks and I choke on my own saliva and start coughing uncontrollably. Nice, Dylan. Very smooth, very hot.

"Sorry," he giggles and hands me a towel.

"When did you get back?" I ask while drying my face and hair.

He sits down beside me. "About half an hour ago."

Suddenly I'm reminded that I'm sort of in oly my underwear. My face heats up as I can feel Thomas's burning glare at the places of my body that the simple duvet doesn't cover.

"So...?" I start to break the silence and look at him. He doesn't meet my gaze.

"So what?"

"So are you and Isabella... still a couple?" Suddenly heart is pounding. I'm not sure why, perhaps because he is beautiful and I fear that I'm gonna loose that beauty if he doesn't have the right answer to this question.

"I- I don't know. We... Got in a fight, but I'm not sure if we broke up or not." He explains. He appears to become uncomfortable and his brown eyes flickers suspiciously around the room and still refuses to meet mine. Why?

"Hey," I say and reach up to place my hand on his cheek. "I would say you guys are gonna be okay, but honestly... that's not really what I want."

He laughs and finally looks at me. Unnecessary relief pours over me and I smile as he replies,

"Yeah, me neither."

I pull him in towards me to plant a kiss on his alluring lips, but the moment our lips are about to meet someone knocks (pretty forcefully) on the door and we both jump in surprise. The person behind the door keeps knocking, and I suspect they won't stop until I open, so I get dressed.

"I'll be right back." I say and hurry over to the door. When I open it, Kaya's doesn't notice me and mindlessly contines pounding on the door, and almost ends up punching me in the face.

"Hey!" I say and dodge so she can't hit me.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't sure if you'd be awake!"

"Well, thanks to your knocking you can now be certain that everyone in the entire hotel is."

She rolls her eyes in the Kaya-way that the whole cast has gotten so used to. Then her lips stretch into a wide smile. Oh, God.

"I have exciting news!"


She enters my room. "Thomas is back!"

"Oh, he is? Are you sure? You might as well come in and tell Thomas the exciting news too." I say with dripping sarcasm and Kaya appears confused. Then she enters the room further and notices Thomas. She, once again, rolls her eyes, but she bites her lip too to hide her growing smirk.

"Of course. I should've guessed this would be the first place you'd come to."

"Yeah, you really should have." Thomas stands up to hug Kaya.

"So, what are you guys up to?" Kaya asks when they're done hugging.

"Currently, nothing. Why?" I glance meaningly at Thomas, not wanting to reveal to Kaya what we were really doing.

"It's about 30 minutes until we're going to start shooting, and I thought we could do something fun!" She explains, excited. 30 minutes? What time is it even? I unplug my phone from the charger behind the nighstand and the display tells me 8:30AM. That means we're starting at 9:00. We're kinda behind schedule, so I suspect the whole day is going to be dedicated to filming.

"Like what?" Thomas asks curiously.

"I don't know. Come on, let's go talk to the others about it!"

I look at Thomas and he nods and grabs my hand.

"Let's go."




But I've had the biggest writers block and I've had so much to do with school and all that shit ugh so that's why

And I'm sorry if this chapter isn't exciting or anything I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive ok

And Guess what daY IT IS?????


I'm v excited, to say at least.

I got some v nice books, some money (rich bitch over here (not really)), NOODLES, a band magazine (yaayyayy) and some other exciting stuff yeeet


But anyways, I thought about ending this story soon (edit: HA). I just feel like I'm not as excited about writing it as I was before, and I'm starting to run out of ideas for new chapters.

BUT DONT WORRY! It's gonna take a while to work this plot out and when I'm finished with this story I have some more saved as drafts (though I'm probably gonna take a break before publishing more).

I have A LOT (wtf how did that happen oops) of different drafts and loads of ideas for new stories, so do not worry my eggos.

But I have to go now bc ppl will come to celebrate with me soon, so cya l8r my EGGOS!!!!

(love u all sm)


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