52. Broken

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Thomas' POV

(heyyy my friends i am finally back and I'm so sorry it's been so long here have a pic of cute dylmas i hope u can forgive me ily💖) (anyways enjoy!!!!!)


I'm so glad he forgave me for lying, and that he understood why I did it. I'm so lucky to have him.
We finished filming without any further complications, but before that Diana went home. We made quite a scene at the airport, but she had somehow managed to get my phone number, so she promised she'd come back over text less than five minutes after she'd left. I'm not complaining, though.

The last day, Wes gathered us all to say our goodbyes and man, I don't think I've seen so many people cry all at once before. I cried too, of course. A lot. Especially when Wes started to make jokes. I'm really glad he didn't choose to become a comedian.
But it wasn't that sad though, because I knew I'd see them soon again when it was time for The Death Cure. After that I had no idea what to do.
When I'm in the middle of a conversation with Ki Hong about whether Newt and Thomas should've had the telepathy gift ("It'd only be, like, mind-sexting -"
"Ki!"), Kaya suddenly shows up.

"Hey", She says and looks excited.

"Hey, Kaya, Teresa. I need your opinion on somethi -"
Kaya doesn't let Ki finish his question. Instead, she directs her attention to me.

"Thomas, could I have a word with you?"

Ki look offended and waves at her,
"Uh, the King was talking!"

"Better hope you don't end up as Henry IV, or the all the other kings while on the subject."

"Who's Henry IV?" Ki Hong cries after us when Kaya ignores him and grabs my hand. She huriedly drags me a bit away from the group and places her hands on my shouldes. She ihales deeply.

"Thomas", she starts and stares into my eyes, a little too intensely. I start to get a little bit weirded out.


"It's the last day."

"I know... So?"

Kaya rolls her - normally only blue, but now also red-rimmed from crying - eyes
"Have you said goodbye to Dylan yet?"

Now I'm confused. "No. Should I have?"

She removes one hand from my shoulder, only to slap the back of my head. Ouch.

"You moron! Of course not."

She goes silent and I wait, just as quietly for her to go on.

"Then... What should I do?" I ask when she doesn't say anything.

"Thomas Sangster, I can't believe you right now!"
She sounds so much like my mother it's scary. Although, I'm too scared to tell her that since I suspect that if I do, she's gonna slap me again.

"What I'm obviously saying is that you shouldn't say goodbye because you're a couple now!"

I'm beyond confused so I ask carefully,
"What should I say instead then?"

Kaya smirk and motions, as if presenting something, with her hands. "'Move in with me.'"

Surprised, yet flattered I ask,
"Do you want me to move in with you? Well..."

And Kaya looks like she wants to scream. "I want you to move in with Dylan, you freaking slow thinking version of a -"

"Wait, wait. What? I... Explain."

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