6. Not spacing out

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Dylans POV

I kissed Thomas. Thomas kissed me. It felt... Okay.

Well, no. To be honest it felt too okay. Great, actually. It felt great. I know, I'm not supposed to feel that way. It wasn't even... real, I guess?

It happened yesterday, and even though we said we would, we haven't practiced more because Kaya rang and wanted me to meet up with her. Apparently, the only thing she wanted was for me to come to her birthday party (her birthday is March 13th). Couldn't she just have asked that over the phone?

No, of course not. She's Kaya.

She wanted to inform me of everything she had to prepare, ask me who I thought she should invite, which snacks I thought was good and things similar to that (it's her birthday party, why should I decide all those things?), but all I could think of was Thomas and his lips.

"Hey, Dylan! You're spacing out again." She snapped her fingers in front of my face and looked slightly concerned.

"What? Oh, sorry. I was just..." I started, but realised I didn't want to tell her about the kiss for various reasons, so I shook my head.


She didn't believe me.

"Nothing? Dylan, you've spaced out three times already. Is something wrong? Is..." She was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking about what could be wrong. Her dark eyebrows were furrowed and she squinted at me as she asked, "Is it about Thomas?"

I could feel heat rise to my cheeks at the mentioning of the person I was just thinking about. Not now! How in the hell did she know? Was I that obvious?

"Uh... n-no" I stammered since she caught me off guard. She laughed, her should shaking, giving me an are-you-for-real look.

"Dylan, it is at times like this I start to question why you even have an acting career."

"Because I'm the best." I crossed my arms and smiled proudly.

"No, you suck." Kaya giggled and I gave in to the bubbling laugh that filled my stomach. When Kaya laughs, it's hard not to laugh with her since she's got such a contagious laugh.

Then, all of a sudden her mood changed completely and she looked deadly serious again."But seriously Dylan, what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I played dumb until she rolled her blue eyes and rose, ready to leave. I sighed, defeated.

"We bumped in to each other."

Kaya sat back down, putting her head in her hands. A smile stretched across her red-painted lips. "And?"

"We talked."


"We watched Finding Nemo."


"We talked more."


I hesitated.

"We practiced... you know..." I blushed even more and awkwardly returned to drinking the coffee that Kaya magically managed to conjure up.

She squealed and her eyes were wide.

"What? Seriously? That great, Dylan! I mean like, finally! Was it good? What happened next? Did you use protection?"

I choked on my coffee.

"Kaya, what the hell? We practiced one freaking kiss, then you called and I left!" I managed to utter between coughs.

"Oh gods, did I interrupt you?" She looked horrified. I rolled my eyes.

"No, it's okay. Anyways, what color did you want the balloons to be?"


(awkward edit) alright so lemme tell you all a story. When I was in Brighton, I had a friend who found out about this fanfiction from my cousin (ty anna) and guess what he did? He showed it to a teacher, and the first line she read was the first line of this chapter. Nice. Then, when we were graduating, I won a prize. "Future author". When I walked up to recieve it, that teacher whispers "i
It's because of your fanfiction". I j?? whY must you do this to me?¿ It was acc so awkward?? And that made me even more awkward¿ I can never return to Brighton (edit end).

Sorry for short chapter, but I'm rlly tired.


See ya in next chapter!💕

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