24. Fortunate phone call

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Thomas' POV (it'll be more from Thomas' than from Dylan's now when he's away)

After breakfast and a lot of contemplating, I decide to call him. Yep, Dylan. We promised to call each other, so it won't seem strange if I do so and check if he's okay and such, right? Hope so.

I press his phone digits without needing to check if they're right. I know them by heart. Okay, that sounded weird. I'm not some kind of stalker, I'm just good at remembering stuff. Like, I know a lot of Pi. About 200 digits, I think. What can I say, I used to have a lot of time in my hands. Besides, I just find numbers easy. Must be my left brain, since I'm right handed. Although, I can play the guitar with my left. I learnt it in order to portray Paul McCartney in a movie and I do admit it was pretty tricky, but it's a fun thing to be able to do.
When I'm about to press call, I hesitate. Perhaps it will seem strange? But...
I never get to a conclusion. Because suddenly his number appears on the screen. I'm not reluctant to pick it up.

"Who is it?" I say and almost smack myself. Who is it? I know who it is! And at least I could've said Hello, but no, it's Who-the-hell-is-it if you call Thomas Sangster.

"Dylan, and hi to you too." He chuckles, as if he knows what I'm thinking. I'm almost glad that he's not here so can't see my blush.

"Hi, sorry. I was just gonna call you, you know." I admit because it's such a strange concidence.

"Seriously? Creepy." I can hear his smile, and I bet he can hear mine.



"Why'd you call, anyways?" I ask. I was the one supposed to call. You know, just to find out what state his dad's in. Maybe to know what state he's in too. It might also have been because I wanted to hear his voice, but that's irrelevant.

"I don't know. It's boring here in the waiting room, and I just wanted to do something."

"It's boring here, too. Everyone is in their rooms watching TV because it's pouring outside."

"Yeah, I saw the weather report. Funny thing though, it's raining here too."

"Sounds nice." I say with a hint of sarcasm. I get flashbacks of him in his intoxicated state, babbling on about how he loves rain. Along with that, the words You're cute echoes in my head. I shake it.


"So, how's your dad doing?"

"Um... I don't know. He's currently asleep , that's why I'm here in the waiting room, but he seems... Stabile. I don't even know if it's good or bad cancer yet and I just..." He doesn't finish, but I get it. It breaks my heart to hear him this sad. I want to hug him again, but he's too far away.

"Yeah." Is all I can say.

After a moment of silence, we're both collecting ourselves, he asks,
"Why were you going to call, though?"

I hesitate.
"J-Just to see how your dad's feeling and..."

"And?" Dylan anticipates an answer, but I don't know what to say.

I surely can't tell him the real reason. It's way too embarassing to admit that I called him to hear his voice.

"And to see if you were okay, I guess." It's not a total lie. He's important too.

He's quiet.

"If I'm okay." He repeats, and I can't put my finger on the tone behind his voice.

"Yeah. Are you?"


"Honestly? I don't know."

That answer terrifies me.


"It's my dad and... I'm sorry, I can't tell you. Not now."

But I want to know. I want to know so I can fix it. I beg, but he still doesn't tell me.

"Fine." I say after minutes of trying to get it out of him. "But if I don't know, I can't help you."


Quiet again.

"Well..." he says.


"I need to go so-"

"Yeah, me too."

"Bye then, I guess."

"Bye, and I lo... L-look out for your father, I mean. Bye!" I say and hang up. Holy crap. That was close. I can't believe myself.
I hope he doesn't realise my slip. That would be slightly awkward.


I almost forgot to write an a/n D:
Anyways, I'll make this one quick:
I'm extremely jealous of those who were at the comic con :((((

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