51. Is this the plan that flopped? Maybe.

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Dylan's POV

"So, how're we gonna do this?" Isabella asks over the line.

"I don't really know, wasn't it your idea to find out ourselves what the hell Thomas is thinking?" I reply, trying to make my way through the flood of people on the street. We had just finished filming one of the final scenes and I needed to get out of the building to make sure no one could hear me. Today had not been a good day. Firstly, I had to attend to a scene in which Newt and Thomas are supposed to be all cuddly and like love birds the whole fricking time - which was not very comfortable since I'm pretty pissed at Thomas - and secondly, of course a lot of people noticed that and confronted me about it when we were done (Kaya, Diana, Ki Hong). That was why I needed to get away.

"It was indeed, but I had yet to figure out how, and I still haven't. You have to give me a hand here." She begs.

"Well... I, uh... Hold on a minute," I say and hold out a hand to make a taxi pull over. Soon enough, I'm sitting in a cab with sticky seats and a faint smell of cigarettes, with the beach (for no specific reason) as its destination. I take advantage of the privacy and go over what has happened with Isabella once again to fully get a grip of the (kind of strange) situation. I mean, I'm sitting in a cab, discussing my probably-boyfriend's lie with the person he lied about; his ex-girlfriend. When did my life get this messed up?

"And we still don't know why he lied, but that's what we're gonna try to figure out." Isabella finishes and sighs loudly.
Something is tugging at the back of my head. Something I've tried avoid thinking about that could possibly be the reason why Thomas lied.

"I... Isabella?"


I hesitate.
"Do you think he lied because he changed his mind and doesn't want to be with me?"

Luckily, she doesn't hesitate to answer, "Oh my God, Dylan! Don't you ever think that again. He loves you, like really and maybe he just panicked? I don't know why he lied, but I sure as hell know it wasn't because he doesn't want to be with you. He even gave up his relationship with me, the queen, to be with you! Boy, he must really love you to do that."

I chuckle and realise that Isabella isn't that bad after all.

"I trust you. Now, where were we in our great plan?"


We talk all the way to the beach but when it - 10 minutes after I've arrived there - starts to pour down rain, I have to hang up and catch a taxi cab (where I am too busy freezing my soaked ass off to call her back) back to the hotel again where I can change from my wet clothes to dry, nice one's. When I'm done, I find an emty corridor (the same one with the staircase thatleads up to the roof where Thomas and I have found ourselves several times) and call her again.

"Hi, sorry it took so long. I had to find an empty corridor where no one would interrupt me. But you said something about going trough his phone? I don't think we should do that."

"No, I was pretty much sarcastic when I suggested that, even though I'd make this easier, I'd never do it." Isabella explains and I agree.

"Same here. But Thomas ha-" I trail off with the footsteps coming from the staircase beside me.
I don't think there's any point in running, so I stay to find out who's coming.

"Thomas ha- what?" He asks when he's at the bottom of the stairs, and cross his arms.

"I... Uh..."

"Why were you talking about me?" Thomas asks, with a suspecting look.

"N-not you. I mean, I wasn't talking about you. Another Thomas, uh..."

"And who are you talking to?" He nods at the phone which is still in my hand, and we both can hear Isabella's voice rise from it.

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