7. In a state of confusion

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Thomas POV

When Dylan left I just sat there, staring at the white typical hotel wall, smiling. I don't know what's happening to me. Suddenly everything is just perfect. Or almost everything. The only thing that isn't perfect is - it was enough embarrassing to a admit it to myself - that it wasn't real. Yep. I wish it had been real because I'm finally going to accept the feelings I have for him. The only issue is that I'm not fully 100% sure of them. They are like butterflies, all different patterns and colours and I can't separate them. The inly thing I know is that they're there.
I need help. And with help, I mean help to separate my feelings, and not help like I'm a crank... I guess.

Therefore, I call the one who knows all about (especially my) feelings and relationships. The one who has been in many, and who is the only one I feel like I can talk to this about.
My sister.

"Thomas!" She screams into the phone, and I go half-deaf.

"Ava! Hello sis, how are you?"

"I'm fine, but Patrick broke up with Emma yesterday, so she's here and yeah... Listen" Ava immediately informs me and goes quiet. In the background I can hear sobs and distinguish sentences similar to,

"Why would I need him anyways?" and "He's just a stupid idiot."

"See, we just found out Patrick has been cheating on Emma for three months. Just one day after we found out, Patrick broke up with her over text! Can you believe it? Text! That's so rude and heartless!"

I smile. Not because I think it's funny, but because I remember that she can go on like this for hours.

"What about you and Charlie?" I interrupt her and I can almost hear her smile.

"Oh, it's fine. We're fine."

"Just fine?" I wait for her to explode.

"Okay, it's perfect. You know, yesterday, he took me to the fair and..."

I chuckle. She continues like that for a while and I'm not really listening until she asks,

"And how's your love life going, huh?"

She probably smirks. I hesitate before replying, "Actually, I need to ask you something related to that."

"Yeah? Spill!"

"Okay, there's this... Someone that I don't really know how to feel about. I mean I do really like this person, but I don't know how much. We did actually kiss, but it wasn't... Real." I ramble.

"What do you mean? Was it, like, a kiss on the cheek?"

"No, no. It was a mouth kiss thingy, but you know, I do actually have an acting career. It was just something for the for the movie."

"But what did you feel?"

"That's it, I don't know! It's just so annoying and confusing! I mean, I felt more than I should have but... I don't know."

"But when you kissed, what did you feel? It can't be that confusing."

"It is, trust me."

"But explain all your exact feelings. I can't help you if you just say it's confusing!" She sounds annoyed. I am annoyed.

"Okay! I'm pretty sure my exact feelings was like... uh, happiness, nervousness, maybe sadness and... Yeah, something like that."

Ava is quiet for a second before she announces,
"Thomas, I'm pretty sure you're in love."


So, whaAt dO U thInk? Lmk!!

Anyways, I will update asap, so see ya in the next chapter🌺

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